Xxmajaine - nominated for best On the Rise - Fantasy

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Ana hi!

 *Ana high pitched scream, amplified by her lapel microphone, echoes across the cringing crowd.*

 Xxmajaine: What?

 Ana placing her hand on her chest: Xxmajaine .You scared me.

 *Xxmajaine laughs as she steps from the shadows wearing a black shirt dress with buttons on the upper half which reaches just above the knees, a hoodie hangs behind her head. Army Green Jeans leggings, stuffed into to a pair of black velvet boots, cover her calves. Tucked into the belt around her waist is a pen and a notepad.

Smiling and waving to the crowd she brushed the gentle waves of her hair off her shoulder revealing a tiny creature hitching a ride in her hoodie. It only had half and tail and stood straight for balance.*

Ana reaches up to Xxmajaine’s shoulder: Hiya, Maja. What a cute little… miniature dog?

Xxmajaine: Rat.

*Ana pulls her hand back quickly.*

 Xxmajaine:  My date is my own rat Bully.

Ana wipes her hand on her hip: Like I said… cute. What’s the note pad for? Phone numbers?

Xxmajaine laughs:I’ve got this here on the off chance that creativity strikes.

Ana: Does that happen often? Sounds painful.

*Bully squeak’s and Xxmajaine raises an eyebrow*

Ana: Fine sorry the rat is throwing me off. Your story ‘The Lores of Lyra – Rising Star’ was nominated for best On the Rise, Fantasy. How did you react when you found out?

Xxmajaine: Yes, out of over 7000 stories, it among the five that got through. I couldn’t believe it. I was like a record stuck on repeat. I kept calling my roommate to come look in a voice that was a mix between a high-pitched scream and a whisper. 

Ana laughs:What’s The Lores of Lyra about?

Xxmajaine: Well, due to my own fascination with the stars, my story takes place in the land of Astron. Placed in the Atlantic sea, shadowed by immense magic from the outer world. Darkness is spreading, and it’s up to the rising star to stop the looming threat. 

Ana: So you’re obsessed with the stars, anything more? Preferably the secret kind.

Xxmajaine: Secret and Secret. I do love to research. The thing is, I don’t research things. I research people, friends, fans, and family. I can spend hours trying to figure something out which will maybe come in handy as a little icebreaker or something later on. This is not something I do to be mean or use against people. It’s merely an interest in the people I surround myself with. 

Ana pouts: Do you surround yourself with many people? Tell us about yourself.

I’m a 22 year old Danish girl. My biggest fear is to be forgotten and my biggest dream is to make a difference. Prior to Wattpad I have no writing experience, and the two years here have given me so much already. I see words as a hobby I’d like to continue doing and writing gives me the means to sort of some of the mess that sometimes arises within my head.

 Ana mutters ruefully: Given what went down earlier, I know the feeling. What’s your favorite genre to write? 

Xxmajaine: I actually try to write a little of everything. I have ideas for all sorts of things and the biggest problem for me is to get it all from the inside of my head and down on paper. It varieties between the genres: Action, Fantasy, Paranormal, Vampire, Werewolf, Romance, Science Fiction, Non-Fiction, Teen Fiction are my absolute favorites though. I try to mix them up a bit. So, Science Fiction and Fantasy would be my main points – Written both for teens and more mature audiences.

 Ana: The note pad must come in handy then. Well I had better let you go but before you go I must warn you, there’s a rival ninja inside. He’s dressed in black and hard to miss. *Ana looks over her shoulder to the doorway* Stealth isn’t his strong point. *Ana looks back to find Xxmajaine has disappeared* Where’d she go?

 *Sally, Betty (the camera guy) and the whole crowd shrug.*

Ana: Oh well, that was the amazing Xxmajaine. If want to check out ‘The Lores of Lyra – Rising Star then you can either click on the external link on the right of the screen or you can click on dedication picture above. Give it a read so you know your favorites come Awards voting time.

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