dramali - nominated for best Undiscovered Gems, Non-Teen fiction

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Betty strolls over the Ana fanning himself with the betting slips: Who's your money on?

Ana purses her lips: Who's the one with the worst odds? I'll put $5 on the underdog.

*Betty shrugs and starts writing out a slip. In the distance, and getting closer, AC/DC's Back in Black blears so loud the carpet starts to vibrate. A yellow 1974 corvette pulls up, the black t-top visibly trembling with each note of the song. *

The crowd sing along to the car stereo: ♫ Yes, I'm back ♫

*dramali steps out of the car dressed in vintage zeppelin tee, zip around jeans, denim jacket, brown Fringe Moccasins and purse. The feather clips in her long straight hair are as orange as the carpet. Her date, Taylor Kitsch, dressed in vintage levi's hip huggers with a black conch belt, black bomber jacket over a "Jewelweed" band tee, tea shades. Runs around the car to her side but she is already strutting down the carpet. *

Crowd/car: ♫ Well, I'm ba-ah-ah-ah-ack, ba-ah-ah-ah-ack ♫

♫ Well, I'm back in black ♫

♫ Yes, I'm back in black ♫

*dramali reaches Ana, preforms a quick spin and both the crowd and the car fall silent.*

Ana: Look you made Betty cry.

*Betty pulls up the corner of shirt to wipe his eye, reveling a black AC/DC tour shirt underneath.*

dramali: Gotta love the classics.

Ana snorts: It took AC/DC forever to embrace the present and finally release on iTunes though.

Betty: Each album was a story, a fragment in time of where they were as musicians. They didn't want people to break the albums up.

Ana: Future. Embrace now.

dramali: I agree with Betty.

Ana: And I agree to start this interview. Right, your story... "Rising Sun, Half Moon, Rock Stars", *mutters* well that explains the intro song but why didn't you pick the one with the bagpipes? *normal voice* Has been nominated for best Undiscovered Gems in Non-Teen fiction. How did you react when you found out?

dramali: Thunderstruck.

Ana looks to the sky: No, I don't think there will be any thunder tonight.

dramali: No the song that... you know never mind. When I first found out there was stunned silence, then jumped on the bed.

Ana: What's your story about?

dramali: The daughter of an iconic 60's rock star, is torn between making a name for herself in the 70's and quietly living a simpler life, and of course there is a steamy romance involved, with a hot musician.

Ana: All musicians are hot. Well except Meatloaf *shutters* Are you a big music fan? Tell us about yourself.

dramali: I am definitely right brained, in my spare time, anything creative interests me, musically I play several instruments but have mastered none, drawing, photography and Photoshop, and of course secretly writing. Only one other person knows of this particular hobby--the man in my life had to be told that all my secretive online time was not spent cheating on him.

Ana: True.

Betty asks from behind the camera: What cd do you have in your cd player right now?

Ana: Hey, I ask the questions.

Betty pouts: I wanna know.

Ana sighs: Fine... What music are you listening to at the moment?

Dramali laughs: I'm listening to "Wasting Light" by the Foo Fighters Betty.

Betty: Marry me.

dramali laughs again: But that would make me a liar.

Betty: Marry me, I want to have your babies.

Ana: Betty behave! Only one crazy person is allowed on this carpet at a time.

*Hanging his head Betty nods*

Ana: Last question and I'll let you go. If you can have one super power what would it be?

dramali: Invisibility (my people watching obsession borders on voyeurism :D)

Betty mouths: Marry me.

Ana: O-k bye, bye now. Have fun inside. So folks if you want to check out dramali's story 'Rising Sun, Half Moon, Rock Stars' click on the external link on the right of the screen, or you could click on the dedication picture above. Give it a read so you know your favorites come Awards voting time.

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