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- Gulf -


It was just one word, but why do I feel like this? How can I explain this? Uhm. Irritating feeling? Uneasiness? Disgust? What? I don't know.

What could it mean? One 'hi' is nothing, right? It can be just a simple greeting. Maybe he knew me, or maybe I knew him it's just that I can't remember him. That's it, right? It's impossible for him to flirt with me, right?

And suddenly I remembered how he flashed his smile on me. His angelic face when smiling that up until now, I can't erase it on my head.

Wait? What am I saying? Angelic face? Him? Say what? Maybe I am going nuts! I hate him. Who is he to ruin my quiet life.

"Gulf! Gulf! I am calling you for years now, what are you doing? Did you see a hot chic that you can't get off your head now?" 

I don't know why but my face feels hot.

"Right? I'm right? Who is she? Woah woah. Hey, Pete, come here! Gulf's in love!" said Top as Pete rushed over my seat, we are now in our classroom. These two dragged me here saying it is already time, that the prof is already here but guess what, it's not. I lose my opportunity to talk to that guy and now he's bugging my head. Shia!

"Who's in love? You?" Pete asked with a huge disbelief in his face. What? Don't tell me I don't have the right to fall in love, you jerks. Plus, I am not in love. With whom? With him? I don't even know his name, how come?

"I just saw someone familiar but I can't recall who is he." I answered.

"A 'he'???" they both exclaimed in unison. Woah, that's a talent. I nodded as an answer to them. That kept them silent for a while, it is as if they are thinking who might it be.

"Do you think it's..." asked Pete with his eyes totally on its fullest size. What a weirdo.

"No, I don't think so." Top answered. Honestly, I can't catch up to them. Top cut Pete off that's why I can't hear who is he about to mention. There's something I am missing out. Who is it that they are referring to? 

Class is now over and we are heading to the field to practice soccer. Yes, the three of us are soccer player. Well, you could say that I am the star player of our team. Without me, this soccer team will be a total loser. 

"Sports Fest is nearing, let us do our best and win every game, okay?" our team captain said. I think it is only about two weeks until the Sports fest that's why we should tighten our practice.

We all haven't noticed that it is almost 9 PM. Pete and Top are the ones who bugged our team captain to call it a day. If I know they will just go clubbing.

"Don't you think captain's too stingy?" Pete complains. "If we haven't notified him that it's already passed our practice time, he wouldn't let us go."

"That could be one reason he doesn't have a girlfriend." Top said.

"You didn't know?" Pete turned to us. We are heading home and he is a few steps ahead of us.

"Know what?" Top asked with so much curiosity that even I, too, are getting curious.

I am wiping off my sweat when I heard, "He had a boyfriend." which made me stop for a while but then, continued wiping myself off.

"Really? What happened?"

"No one knows." When Pete said those words, he automatically received a smack from Top.

"You useless moron. How dare you share an incomplete info? You got us excited for nothing!" Pete run and yes, just as you guessed, Top run after him, giving Pete too much scolding. Idiots.

I waved them goodbye when we reached the convenience store near my dorm. I will just have some cup noodles tonight. I am lazy to cook, anyway.

I get one of those biggest cup noodles, poured water and waited for it to be cooked. I placed my spoon on top of it. While waiting, I opened my phone to check if someone messaged me, but nothing's special, still the random messages from those girls I don't even know. I closed my phone and started eating my noodles before it gets soggy.

As soon as I have finished my noodles, I suddenly felt sleepy. Hmm. I think 5-minute nap will suffice, right? I will just wake up after 5 minutes and then head back to my dorm, It's just that I am too sleepy. Then I rest my head on the table and eventually felt my heavy eyes slowly closing until I totally fell asleep. 

Why do I feel like someone is watching me? My eyes are still closed but it still gives me that kind of feeling. Even though I still don't wanna wake up, I pulled myself together, besides I promised myself that it will be just a 5-minute nap. I am afraid that the owner will kick me out, too, for sleeping in here. I don't wanna look like I am homeless. This handsome, homeless? No way.

When I opened my eyes, my heart almost jumped out of my chest because of the shock.

"Oh my god."

There he is, again. The smiling maniac I met before. When I already have composed myself, I stared at him and he is still smiling. What an idiot. Doesn't he get tired of smiling? Or does he even realize that he looks like a moron when he's like that?

I am starting to get annoyed at him. He's just there, not even introducing himself or even saying 'hi' just like what he did earlier.

"Are you that mesmerized at me? Come on, keep looking. I won't charge you. Feel free."

He finally said something. But what the heck? He's so full of himself. He's n-not e-even ha-handsome. Alright, he's handsome. But what the heck, let others praise him, not himself at least.

I raised a brow on him. "What did you say? --"

"Ain't your dorm closing now?" he cut me off.

"Well, it's still early. Don't worry for myself, Mr. Stranger. I don't even know you." I said as I glare at him.

"You mean, 11:45 is still early?" he looked at his wrist watch and continued what he is saying. "Now it's already 11:55, my bad. Oh I've been looking at you for 10 whole minutes?" he said while being amused to himself.

Him? Looking at me? For 10 minutes already? What a psycho! And what did he just say? I looked at my phone only to see that it really is about midnight now. My dorm, how am I supposed to go back now???


I run off as fast as I can and left him there without saying anything. I don't owe him anything, right? Or do I?

Luckily, I made it to my dorm. I begged to the guard and he let me in. I washed up a bit and went to bed because I am really tired.

When I closed my eyes and was about to sleep, I suddenly remembered how he smiled at me back there. And his voice, it is so calming.

My eyes are getting heavier and heavier until I heard him calling..

calling me


11:45 | MewGulf FanficWhere stories live. Discover now