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- Gulf -

"Khob khun krub."

The doctor left after giving New a cold compress to reduce the swelling. By just looking at the colors that is almost of that rainbow's, I don't think I can handle that pain. Geez. Since I have this humane part in me, I helped him with his cold compress since he cannot move at all. P'Mew looked so surprise at what I did but I just ignored him. He's my roommate after all, what would that make of me if I just ignore an injured man. I am an athlete myself so I know how that shit hurts. 

The doctor also reminded New to take his pain reliever with food to protect his stomach. But the thing is, they ran out of biscuits because of the other players admitted here. There are some injured and some are just pretending to be hurt just so they can skip the game. Hays, it's so obvious. 

I looked at P'Mew and smiled a bit, an awkward smile actually, and he mouthed me 'why?'

Using my lips, I pointed outside to ask him go buy food for New, or maybe for the three of us. New looked at me blankly as if he's trying to read what we are saying. P'Mew pointed at himself with his eyes widened. 'Why me?', he mouthed again.

"Okay I'll go get them myself, stay here." and looked at P'Mew with glaring eyes which he also did. Tch. Childish.

I was about to get my wallet in my bag when I happened to grab the sandwich that New gave me earlier. Right, I still haven't eat it. So this is where the sandwich goes, back to its owner. 

"Uh. Here." I pulled the sandwich from my bag and offer it back its maker.

"But I gave that to you, didn't I?"

"Yeah but you need it more than I do."

I suddenly heard a loud cracking of joints from my side and I knew for sure who it was. I slowly turned my head just to see the burning eyes of P'Mew, with an intention to kill at that. Uh oh.

I felt his hand pulling my arm and dragged me outside the clinic. 

"H-here. Eat this with your medicine. I think this man is REALLY hungry now----"

As soon as we got out, I pulled my hand. His eyes still shows the same fire as earlier. 

"Why are you flirting with him?" his deep voice added to the suspense atmosphere.

"I am not."

"Then, what's with that damn sandwich?"

"Oh that? He gave me that earlier before I leave our dorm. I just accepted it since he offered."

"Just because he offered, you will then accept it?"

"I have no choice."

"What if he offered you love? Then, you will just accept it right away?" eyes stuck on the ground, P'Mew's voice went softer and softer as words came flowing from his mouth.  

I can't hold in the laughter that's insisting its way out until it burst. 

"Hahahahahahahahahaha. P', what are you saying? From sandwich to love?"

Still not moving his head, "What if he snatch you from me?"

"No one's gonna snatch  me, okay? I am yours, and yours alone."

"But why do you have to be so caring around him? You even forgot about me."

That's when I realize that P'Mew is still in his smelly jersey, sweat gone dry.

 I suddenly felt sorry because I totally forgot about him because of New. Wait. Speaking of forgetting, I forgot something.


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