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- Gulf -


"You now got a new roommate?"

"And his name is NEW?!"

"Is he the one who...."

"No, I don't think so. With his arrogance? No, definitely no."

Just what I guessed, these two also suspected that he might be the New in the note. How can an arrogant weasel like him be a fan of mine, right? No. No. He can't be. And I don't want to.

I sipped from the fruit drink in my hand. 

"Right. Gulf, did you know that Pete was punished earlier? 20 laps." and Top laughed at Pete who is currently massaging his legs. So that's why his hands were quite busy under the table. 

"Aish. P'Earth has been so MORE sensitive over little things lately." Pete complains.

"What did you do to be punished like that, anyway?" I asked Pete.

"I was 20 minutes late." Tossing the cup of his drink on the table lifelessly.

"That's a light punishment though." I said without even looking at Pete as I fish out my ringing phone from my pocket.



P'Mew's coming.

"Really, Gulf? Do you really need an alarm for that?" 

Pete happened to caught what's on my screen when I took out my phone.

"Well, it's our golden hour." confidently words came out of my mouth. 

"Well, Pete, you wouldn't understand things that are out of your league. Date someone and you'll know all the crazy things about love." Top said as he scrolls on his phone with a continuous ringing from it. Look who's talking about love. As if a guy who changes his girlfriend from time to time would know, eh? 

"At least I am far from acquiring AIDS, unlike someone somewhere out there." said Pete as he ridicule Top who doesn't even care and is just typing on his phone. How could he live a life like that? Geez. I also pity those girls who wasted their love on someone unworthy like him.

I suddenly felt a familiar presence beside me which caused my heart to jump in excitement.

"Just finished class. Sorry for waiting. Lunch is on me." and these two lifeless idiot immediately returned to being the idiots they've always been.

"Can you invite me every lunch to join you, P'? And please be always late, nah?" 

Food is already served and mind you, they are not the usual menu we always have. I saw P'Mew shyly nodded to my parasite friend.

"Show some dignity, Pete. Don't forget about me, P'. Nah?" and my another parasite friend seconded. What a bunch of parasites. P'Mew just nodded again shyly to Top. Dear Buddha, can I have a change of friends, please? Give me some decent friends, with DIGNITY.

Lunch time is already over and the number of students around the cafeteria started to shrink.  

"How's your knee, Gulf?" the silent giant beside me asked as he rests his right hand on my left thigh which I didn't really expect.

I looked at his worried eyes and said "It's getting better compared to the last past few days, all thanks to you." and I received a smile back from him.

"Should I just get myself an injury, too, so I can skip training like Gulf?" Right after blurting those words, he immediately received a good beating from Top.

"Consider first the fact if there will be someone who would take care of you JUST LIKE GULF. I don't want to nurse you, idiot." he was about to receive another smack from Top when he perfectly dodged it.

"Since when did my status became a big issue like this, huh? Just so you wait!" 

"Whatever!" both Top and I exclaimed in unison which made him more sulky.

Everyone's been teasing Pete and telling him to get a girlfriend already when suddenly an uninvited voice was heard.

"Excuse me?" We all turned to the guy who just interrupted us and my eyes went full size when I realized who it was. 

"I'm right, it is you, Gulf." he said in an excited tone but no one in our table seems to be in the same mood as his. I looked at P'Mew who is starting to you know, get annoyed.

Firmly, I looked at the clueless guy and hoping him to sense that he just walked into a wolf den, where an alpha is silently waiting for the perfect time to attack him. But I guess he's senseless, and idiot, and moron, and brainless, and a total imbecile because his unstoppable tongue continued blabbering.

"I'm still waiting for you to accept my invitation, you know, to thank you." He's making me really annoyed, with that smile of his that tends to get wider as he talks. I really hate him.

"Excuse ME, too." said the tall guy beside me who obviously can no longer hold it in. I held his hand firmly to stop him and thank all the gods, he's doing it so. 

But what that guy named Bank who is currently standing right beside P'Mew, who is sitting beside me, did is that he tilted his head 90° so he can pass through the guy who just blocked his view. P'Mew adjusted and so Bank did. Why is he so persistent?

"Enough! Bank, I think you should know that it was all a misunderstanding. What happened was not supposed to happen, right?" I looked at my two idiot friends and they nodded. "You don't need to treat me or whatsoever, okay? Please stop."

I thought I already made myself clear but no. I should just stitch his mouth to stop it from talking nonsense.

"Misunderstanding or not, I already made up my mind. I wanna be friends with you." 

He reached out his hand as if offering a handshake but I have no intention of doing so. Besides, P'Mew slapped his hand.

"Can't you really understand the situation, huh? Get lost!" a deep and threatening voice was heard coming from P'Mew but that Bank taken no effect from it. And instead, a smirk was formed in his lips. 

"Let's see each other around then, Gulf. I think I need to get ready for my class. See ya." 

I heard people in our table, especially P'Mew, exclaimed in anger and in frustration as as it was really stressful. 

At least, he already left. 

Just when I thought the storm already had passed through, yet another storm is about to come. 

We are about to leave the place as per suggested by my friends since it has been hell of a disaster back there, when some grumpy-looking man approached us.  

"Hey, I've been looking for you."

Confused, I looked at him waiting for the next words to come out from his mouth.

"You see, I left my plates at our dorm and I don't have the key." He  showed me his palm as if he is asking for alms.

"Oh. Here." and I tossed on his waiting palm the extra key I've got and then he left without even saying thank you.

"Tch." I heard P'Mew hissed. 

"One after the other, are you kidding me?" He murmured while rolling his eyes on me.

I was about to battle his rolling eyes when he suddenly turned his back on me.

“It's so stressful to be the boyfriend of Gulf Kanawut. Aish.”


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