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- Gulf -


I exclaimed full of anger but had to keep it down because I'm afraid I might wake my roommate who is unlike me, already having the best of dreams in his dreamland. With feet kicking under the blanket, I try my very best to put myself to sleep. But no matter how hard I try to close my eyes and shut my mind from thinking of what happened at the restaurant earlier, it just keeps getting chaotic, my mind is.

"Here, I know this is your favorite." as P'Mew gave his food to the girl opposite him. The girl smiled as if there's no tomorrow while receiving it. I hope you ripped your mouth from smiling. Tch.

"I don't eat vegetables, here take mine." The girl who was given food earlier is now the one giving hers to MY P'MEW. I saw them both smiling. 

Aish! Why do they have to be so flirty right in front me, like I was a ghost back there!? P'Mew didn't tell me what is his relationship with her, but it is obvious that they have something between them. Maybe an ex-girlfriend? It could be because they know each other's likes and dislikes... Unlike me...

And since when did P'Mew get so bubbly like that with others? I mean, call me possessive and all but I want to be the sole reason of him smiling from ear to ear. If she's an ex, act like an ex. 

It's already 3 AM and my thoughts keep getting out of control. I need to sleep so I won't doze off later when the Sports Fest has started. I get a pillow and cover it on my face, hoping it would help me sleep until I suddenly felt tired and sleepy. The most awaited has already arrived. Thinking too much surely is tiring. 

I jumped out of bed when my half-asleep eyes saw the time on my phone.


I hurriedly went to the shower but New is still inside so I waited a little while until he comes out with water dripping from his hair down to his half-naked body. 

"I saw your toiletries are running low, you can use mine if you want to."

Right. I was going to buy my toiletries last night but I totally forgot because I was thinking about that bitch and P'Mew.

"T-thank you." and went inside right away.

It was just a quick shower but please don't judge me because I did wash my hair and scrub my body well. 

Finally, I am now ready to go wearing my jersey and was about to leave when I suddenly heard New spoke. 

"Uh I packed you a sandwich." He said as he reached out the sandwich in his hand. 

"I couldn't finish them all." Without saying anything, I smiled at him as I receive the sandwich and left.

Today, I am planning to ignore P'Mew just like how he ignored me last night. It's the price he has to pay for giving me so much to think last night. Hmp. I heard my phone rang but I didn't care. You've chosen death, so I give you hell. 

"Hey, Gulf. What took you so long?" Pete asked while he's fixing his shoelaces.

"Woah. Look at those eye bags. I didn't know there's a panda residing inside you, Gulf." said Top while pointing at my eyes. I hurriedly looked at my phone and he's right, I looked like a panda now. THIS IS ALL P'MEW'S FAULT!!! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS.

The first match is about to start now and P'Earth gathered everyone to say his remarks and cheered our chant before going in.

"P'Gulf, I heard you won't be joining this year's Sports Fest because of your injury, is that true?"

A cute girl asked as if she's sorry for me. There are also girls behind her, waiting for my answer.

"Yes, but I am fine now. Let's cheer them, okay?"

The field was then filled with cheers as both teams were called. I feel like my ears are going to fall off if I continue being here. I am not use to being an audience like this because I am usually the one who's being cheered on in the field. Aren't they scared they might hurt their throats if they scream like that?

So, being the killjoy that I am, I decided to go to somewhere more quiet to avoid damaging my ears. Well, I can always ask Pete and Top as to how the game went. 

"Hurry, the game is about to start now. We should cheer P'Mew the loudest among them."

"Hurry. Hurry. It's starting."

I run into a group of girls who's hurrying to the basketball court. Did I hear them right? P'Mew? Is P'mew playing? 

No, I'm still mad at him. There's no way I am going to watch his game. HOW DARE IS HE TO DO THINGS WITHOUT TELLING ME FIRST!? He hasn't mentioned about this. What's the point of having me as his boyfriend if he's not going to tell me things like this? Aish.

My mind says no but my feet are betraying me, walking on its on all the way to where the basketball court is. As soon as I entered the gym, I was overwhelmed of the loud screams coming from everywhere. 

Players are gathered at the center and are ready for the jump ball. Everyone cheered louder when the tall guy was able to toss the ball on the their side. At first, I thought it was someone else until I heard girls around me say,

“Kyaaah. Did you see that? P'Mew is so hot there.”

“Go, P'Mew!”

Cheers continued as the game continues. The leading team is of course, P'Mew's. But save the celebration for later because they were only one point ahead.

Now, it is down to the last 20 seconds of the game. The other team isn't giving up so is P'Mew's Team.

P'Mew's body is now covered with sweat but why does he still look so handsome? His wet hair dances with him as he runs from here and there. Girls around me keep fantasizing over him. Tch. He's mine, bitches.

Everyone jumps out of joy when the last ball was shot in the ring of P'Mew's team. Because everyone's so happy, I am being infected with their virus causing me to jump with them, too, screaming the joy of victory, not until P'Mew's eyes met mine.

Shia. He caught me. I'm supposed to be angry with him, not celebrating with him.

He run to me, brushing his hands through his wet hair, smiling like an idiot. When he reached my spot, he immediately hugged me which I tried to oppose since he stinks, not to mention that everyone's eyes are on us.

“Aww. So sweet.”

“How lucky is he.”

“P'Mew's so sweet.”

“I wish I was him.”

I heard different reactions from them but that doesn't change the fact that I am still angry.

“Why don't you celebrate with that skinny girl whom you cared so much for?”

He slightly laughed, “You mean, Nam?”

I gave him a deadly look and walked out. He couldn't follow me because of his team. Yeah right. Choose them over me.

I was planning to go back to my team to check on them when suddenly I saw a familiar face, sitting on the ground, looking in pain.

“New?” I called his name to verify it's him. I think he sprained his ankle.

I heard him groan as I try to help him walk to the infirmary.

We run into P'Mew who is obviously looking for me. I called him to help me with New. He gave me the look but then I mouthed him to be quick.

“Sorry for the trouble.” said New.

“Yeah, you are a trouble. A big trouble.” said P'Mew.

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