twenty six

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- Gulf -

"Do you have a past experience with a car, Gulf?"

That question got stuck in my head after we went to see a doctor. Yes, I think, no we all think that I needed a professional help for my case. We told Mom about it and she came along. 

But no matter how much I think about it, I really don't remember anything about having an accident or what. It never happened to me. There are no scars in my body to tell me about the "accident", if I ever did have that. 

"Sorry, Mom, if I made you both worried."

We are now at P'Mew's house. It was Mom's idea to spend the weekends there. We are now all in the living room and just as always, Mom is spoiling us with good snacks. He offered me a glass of juice, with a cute pineapple straw on it. 

"Hush now, Gulf. It's not your fault, okay? At least, we know and you will not suffer alone. Always remember, we are always here for you. Though I am not much available as Mew, but still you can count on me. You know my number, right?"

I smiled back at Mom. I am extremely grateful that I got to meet Mew and his ever supportive Mom. 

"Khob khun krub." and took a sip of the juice. 

"By the way, Gulf, I have always wanting to show this to the lover of my son. I know we have met several times already but I keep forgetting to show you these. I think this will help you, you know, to clear your mind."

Mom sat beside me, feeling so excited.

"Hey, Mom. What are you doing!?" P'Mew jumped out of his seat and was ready to snatch the book that Mom was holding but I was more shocked to what happened next. Mom took her cute indoor slipper and the next thing I knew, it flew and kissed P'Mew's forehead. I can't help but to laugh at P'Mew's reaction when he was hit in his face. It was so priceless. He fell back on his seat, left powerless. When I looked back at Mom, she was laughing like a devil won against an angel. I didn't know Mom has a side like this. Poor P'Mew.

"Okay, I think we got rid of that stupid bug. Now, let's dig into the most precious, most special, most shocking and most valued treasure chest I got here in  my hand."

The whole room echoed with the frustrated cries of P'Mew. But Mom being the evil mom that she is, flashed an evil smile at P'Mew as she flips the cover the book that P'Mew is crying over with. Now, that got me all excited and curious. 

I thought it was a book but rather a photo album of a young beautiful girl. 

"This is Mew when he was little."

"What? This is P'Mew?"

I grabbed the photo album from Mom and stared at the photos. I cannot see the resemblance of the P'Mew that I know to the young P'Mew here in the album. There were pictures of him with an almost armpit-length, silky and shiny hair. It was the reason why I thought it was a picture of his sister which I forgot that he has no siblings. Silly me.

"Pft. P'Mew, I didn't know you have grown your hair this long before."

My eyes are still enjoying the cute pictures of him while he? Well, he's there throwing daggers at us. If only glaring could kill people, I am now probably dead by now.

I think I have went through almost all the pictures here, without missing at least one. I am now almost at the last page of the photo album.

"Oh. This is the same picture in your room, P'." I pointed at the picture of those two boys covered with mud while wearing their jerseys. The white socks were no longer white, same goes with their shoes.

"Oh, this. It is from one of his youth summer camps. He made friends with him. You know what, he attended almost every camp every year hoping he will see that boy again." said Mom.

"Did they meet again?" I asked.

"Yes." I was startled by the sudden reply from P'Mew.

"That's great. Where is he now?" It kind of gets me excited knowing P'Mew looked for him to the pointed of attending every camp. He a loyal friend for doing that. How lucky that boy is.

"In front of me." 

"Hey, don't be silly. I meant this boy."

"Uh huh." He then pointed his index finger at me. "It's you."

"Me?" I get the album to have a closer look at the two boys. It is hard for me to recognize their faces because of the mud covering them but the more I look at them, the more vivid their faces get.

"Yes, this is me. How come I cannot remember this photo being taken? This is really me. I mean, you? Me? Before? Now? How come? Waaaah this is amazing." 

I heard Mom laughed from my side, even P'Mew.

"Mew is a timid boy back then. I don't know why but when he returned from that camp, he keeps mentioning a boy he met there. The only name he remembers is Gulf. And now, you're he's boyfriend. Amazing, right?" I think my mouth's going to rip any minute now because this couldn't just sink in.

"I think you both are meant for each other." Mom teased us like there were insects crawling on her body. Silly, Mom. But I like the idea. 

"I still can't believe it, P'."

We decided to take a little walk after that shocking revelation. Mom rested a bit and we are not that tired so we decided to go out. 

"I can't believe YOU forgot about me."

"Hehe. That was a long time ago already, P'. I promise I won't forget you, nah? Nah? Nah?"

"Promise?" His lips formed a pout. Now, he looked like a little boy asking for an affection.

"I promise. Who are you, again?" I teased him which immediately put a frown on his face. 

"Hey, you just promised me and now you-- Take that back. Take that back."

Just before he could do anything suspicious on me I already run away from him. He run after me but he isn't catching up.

Not far from my distance, I saw a stall where different kinds of accessories are displayed. There are hair clips, head bands of various design, earrings, necklaces, bracelets and etc. I looked at P'Mew who just arrived and and stood beside me, looking at the items.

"You buying?" P'Mew asked.

"Hmm." I roam my eyes once again on the displayed items and my eyes got stuck on the bracelets, couple bracelets to be exact.

"Oh, that. That is popular among couples these days. These bracelets tends to clasp the couple together as long as they wear it. Or to make it simple, it symbolizes eternal bond between lovers."

It was a simple black  thread with clasps on both ends. It is so simple that it makes me want to buy it.

"We'll get these, please." He didn't give me a chance to say anything. He just bought it right away.

"I'll put this on you and you will put mine."

"Waah it is so beautiful." I pull P'Mew's hand and looked at the bracelets on our hands. 

"Don't you dare remove this on your hand, okay?" said P'Mew.

"What if I lost this?"

"I will kill you."

"You will?"

"With hugs and kisses. Until you lost your breath."

"I love you, P'Mew. Thank you for this and thank you for finding me again."

"I love you, too. Don''t leave me, again, okay?"

I nodded at him as a smile is drawn in my lips. I couldn't be any happier than this. I wish all my days will be just like this. Forever happy with P'Mew by my side.

"Let's go back now. Mom's probably waiting for us."

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