twenty nine

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Gulf is very uncomfortable having New as their roommate. He knew very well that any minute, there could spark a World War III, now that the three of them are back to being in the same room, just like how it is in Gulf's previous dorm. He can't get his eyes off Mew who is very stiff at the moment as he glares at their third roommate, New. Mew is sitting on the bed and it is  clear that his fists are clenched together, causing his veins to pop as if they are about to explode. It was quite a view for Gulf as he finds it sexy when his lover's veins are showing like crazy. But it is not the perfect time to fantasize. He shook his thoughts off and there he returned to being worried of the tragedythat might happen.

On the other hand, New seems not to care about the glaring looks that Mew throws at him since he stepped a foot in the room. You can say that he seems to enjoy the situation. He gets to share the same room as Gulf and at the same time, annoy Mew. Nothing can equal the happiness it brings when he sees Mew lost it whenever he drops the bomb. 

"Just wait till  Gulf comes near me, okay? Then, you can take as many picture as you can. The nearer Gulf is, the better, okay?"

It was all New's idea to spill something on himself during the party after the success of Sports Fest. He made sure that Gulf will do as what he planned. Well, he succeeded. He did get the picture and was able to send it to Mew. Mew sure did get angry but it wasn't to New's expectation. 

New is really obsess with Gulf. Everything he did is because of Gulf. From moving in to Gulf's dorm after knowing it's vacant, to joining the football game hoping he'll get to play with him, to making Gulf breakfasts, to keeping his bed clean after Gulf leaves it a complete mess, to moving to the new dorm. It was all for Gulf. To see Gulf. He doesn't care if Gulf's got a boyfriend. He just wants Gulf.

"In every activity that we will be doing, you will be teaming up with your roommates, understood?"

Upon the announcement, it feels like the whole world fell out on its axis.  Mew and Gulf are stuck with New the whole trip. Mew tried his best to protest to their coach that they don't want to be teamed up with New. But it was hopeless. The coach is so eager to have them as a team and kept on reminding them the objectives of this camp. Mew left with no choice, accepted the challenge as he agreed to the terms before joining the camp so might as well abide by the rules.

"Wrong move, I'll kill you."

The hot-blooded Mew warned the cool New. But instead of showing fear of what Mew has said, it turns out, it excites him more. It makes him think more of ways to annoy Mew.

The whole team are all set to go hiking. There's a catch once their team came first at the top of the mountain: they'll be the kings of the camp. They will be granted with privilege of doing anything they want. As in, EVERYTHING.

"I will make you carry me all the way to the foot of the mountain. Just so you wait, Gulf."

With arms both on his waist, Top proudly said. Pete stood beside him and copied what Top has said.

"And that goes for me, too. P'Mew, get ready."

Mew and Gulf just stiffled a laugh to these two young lads. They are not going to let them win. Mew has already decided to win to ask for their coach to let them change rooms, or roommate perhaps.

"We must get to the top first, Gulf."

The other guy sensed the intention of Mew and nodded at him.

The race has started. Everybody started off with great enthusiasm of winning.


The already tired guy called out for his P'. They have been almost halfway of the race but they don't think they'll make it to the first place. There are so many ahead of them.

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