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"Taehyung?" I ask, knocking on his door.
"What do you want." He responds, a groan following after.
"Are, are you ok?"
I ask.

He says.
I hesitate to ask.
"May, May I come in?"
I hear silence.

"Sure, come in."
I hear the unlock of the door, and I twist the black door knob and push, pushing into a room full of darkness, the only thing lighting it was the sunlight from the window.

The walls were purple, the carpet green, an odd combination.
I then fix my eyes on Taehyung, who was already staring at me, taking me off guard.

"Why are you here?" He asks.
I close the door behind me, slowly walking up to his bed in which he was laying on, face pointed towards the white ceiling.

"I wanted to check up on you, and I also want to know why you locked yourself in here." I say, slowly sitting next to his right hip.

His eyes are back on me again, searching, for something.
"I don't really love Jeonyun, in fact, we were only together for a month, since I just broke up with him ten minutes ago."
"Oh?" I say, surprise clear in my face and tone of voice.

"I used to like you before the hunters came, and I liked you a lot, but I didn't really know how to express it. At first I was angry and bitter, but then I became nicer and friendly.
I was broken when we all thought you were dead, like a piece of my heart was ripped away from me."

I silently looked at him, I didn't knows what to say to his sudden confession.
"After a year of thinking you were dead, we started taking in abandoned supernaturals that we found on streets or in unsustainable environments.
That's when I started to show interest in Jeonyun, who didn't get the hint, and the person I wanted to use to get over my feelings for you. Kinda selfish I know, but I didn't know what to do, though it doesn't justify my actions."

"Do you, do you still like me?" I ask, kinda flattered that anyone would like a kind of person like me.

"Maybe." He said with a genuine smile.
"But anyway, when I found out you were alive, I was over joyed. I felt like my heart was mended together again." He was looking at me this time with that look again, the same look he would sometimes give me at the abandoned house.

"I-I know you like me and all, but I'm not ready for a relationship right now, I'm unstable, and I don't even know if I like you that much to date you......I'm sorry." I explained, titling my head down as I stared at his black sheets.

He grabs my hand, making me look at him.
"It's fine, I understand, no worries."
He says, a light smile on his face, but I could still see the slight defeat behind his understanding.


Two months later..

"Why are we here Kookie? This is so sudden?" Hoseok asked, him and the others standing in front of me with confused looks.

I could feel Taehyung's stare, but I didn't look at him.
"Do you, do you remember two years ago when I said that you guys would see my powers when I used them in battle?"
I say, and they nod.

"Well, I wanted to show them to you now."
They looked at me in disbelief.
"Are you serious!! Like, for real!!!" Yoongi said, astonished.

I nod my head, a smile making way into my face at their reactions.
"I want to see your other 4 abilities!!" Namjoon says, and that stops everyone else.

"But he had six."
Jimin says.
"Yeah but I figured out two of them."
He says, shocking me and everyone else.

"Well what did you figure out?" I ask, curious.
"Well he has super speed, and he can control water like Jimin."

"Wait......how did you figure out those two?"
"Well, from the wind I felt every time you ran past us to go from one place to another faster and to not be seen from us, and one time you wanted water from the sink and you were too lazy to get up to get it, so you used your finger to squeeze the water out of the faucet and moved it into your cup."

"B-but I was alone that time!! And you didn't say anything!!" I said, flabbergasted that he kept that to himself for two years.

"Well I wanted to try and figure out your other powers, but you weren't too keen on being seen by us using it, so I couldn't." Namjoon said, kinda making me proud of myself that I hid it from them for that long, but also made me feel kind of guilty.

"So, I hold blue fire, water, super speed, electricity, can sense when someone is lying, and, I honestly still don't know what my last one is." I said, kinda embarrassed as I rubbed the back of my neck, a small blush on my cheeks.

"Wait what?!! How do you not know your sixth ability!! You've had it for over two years!!! Well.....I mean......" Jimin trailed off.

That made my face tighten a bit, but I brushed it off.
"It's fine, and technically I didn't, but I should know all of my powers. I do feel it, but can't tell what it is by it's energy, it's strange."

"Strange how?" Namjoon questions.
"It feels unknown to me, yet so similar at the same time?.... and, it doesn't feel like a normal ability either, it feels, kinda more special that all my other ones."

"Well how special Jungkook?"
"I-I don't know, it just does." I say, not being able to explain what the feeling was in detail.

The others look at each other, silently communicating in front of me making me slightly nervous.

They then turn back to me with smiles.
"We'll take you on your word Jungkook."
Taehyung says.

My heart flys as I see his smile is directed towards me, making me turn slightly shy, turning towards the other members.

What was this feeling? I've never felt like this before, other than when I was at the cabin.
Do I, do I like Taehyung?!

No, I couldn't, but do I really........?
No, no I don't like him, and that's final.
I shouldn't like him anyway, for my prediction on what those hunters said, me having a lover would put not only me but everybody else in danger.

With that thought in mind, my shoulders sagged a little.
I need to protect Taehyung and the others, no matter what.
I can't tell them what I heard, since they would most likely lock me up until they assumed that the danger was over.

But it has to happen, if it doesn't, the outcome would be far greater than I was before, and I can't let that happen.

Not again.



(Completed) Book 1: Taken//Bts Supernatural AuWhere stories live. Discover now