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"Jungkook!!" The others called, immediately running to me. They unlocked the door, and hurriedly rushed inside. They checked me for wounds, sighing in relief when they found none.

"I'm so glad you're ok." Namjoon said, pulling me in for a hug. He then pulled back, holding me by my shoulders, looking me in the eyes with a knowing expression.

That's when my eyes started to water. Namjoon sighed, giving me a sad smile, pulling me back in for another hug, except my head was buried into his chest.

The others looked confused, but gave us a moment, backing up out of the tube like cage, standing outside of it.

"I'm so sorry Kook. I-I wasn't good to you. I should've treated you better. I, I should've know better! Like hell, I'm the godamn leader."

I smiled.

"It's fine. You don't only have to focus on me. And besides, I'm alive aren't I? I think you're doing a damn good job of looking after me."
I say.

"Jungkook you fucker." He says, and hugs me again.
"I thinks thats enough Namjoon. Four now, we should find a way to escape this place." I say. Even though deep down, I knew we all wouldn't be getting out of here.

We both stand up and walk out of the cage. The others gives us looks, but they don't say anything.

"We should first start with finding our way out of this place, then we'll talk about everything else."

I voice my thoughts.
Namjoon gives me a knowing look.
"I know, but we should still try instead of staying here like sitting ducks waiting to die."

Apparently Yoongi heard that, since his eyes widened and he opened his mouth.
"Ok what the hell?!! Are you keeping things from us now Namjoon!!??"

I look from Yoongi back to him.
"You didn't tell them?" I ask, making the others turn to the both of us.
"What are you not telling us?" Jin asks speaking up.

"Jungkook was right."
"About what?" Yoongi asks, but everyone secretly knew what Namjoon was talking about.

"About the seeing the future thing, he inherited it from his grandmother, which would be his sixth power."

"And so the dream......." Jimin asks trailing off.
"Yes, that means that the dream is true."
Everyone was silent.
"But there's also something else."
I add, which gets everyone else's attention except Namjoon's, since he already knows.

"It's about the origin of the Jeons."
"Yeah? About the man and the woman being kicked out of society? What about it?"
Hoseok says.

"It's bullshit."
They give me weird looks.
"What do you mean, it's 'bullshit'?"
"I mean it's bullshit. The Jeons originated from failed lab experiments, and they had a mutation in their teeth, that made them grow fangs and kill doctors, children, mothers, fathers, and everyone in their way.

They then learned how to control it and left society and had children, lying to them and giving them a false story about the Jeons instead."

The others stared at me.
"Are you......are you serious?" Jin asks, completely shocked like the others.
"I am." I say.

"Wow." Was all Jin could say, complete shocked about this newfound information that was rained on him.

"Wait, does that mean that you have fangs Jungkook??" Jimin asks, his eyes holding a curious gaze.

"Yes." I say.
"Can I see them? Please?"
He asks.
"Did you not just hear about how the Jeons suppressed their fangs and told their children lies? I don't know how to use them Jimin."

(Completed) Book 1: Taken//Bts Supernatural AuWhere stories live. Discover now