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I wake up in a sweat, fear washed over me as I recall what I just dreamed of.
I couldn't kill them.....I just couldn't.

In the dream I recall I had black wings, black eyes and horns, black claws strewn from my finger tips, pointedly sharp.

We were in a lab of some sort, I was in a cloud of black smoke, and the others were standing all together a yard away from me, terrified.

I started to scream, holding my head as I screamed high pitches screams, most likely in pain.

I then stopped, and I ran. I ran towards the group and fought with them.
Even though it was six against one, they were no match for me.

I slaughtered them like they were simple blind mice, their bodies on the floor shredded and bloodied.

I looked at Taehyung's the longest though, and I smiled.

That's when I woke up.
Gosh did I hate that dream.
I've been having it for a few days ever since I made up with Taehyung.

I have a feeling it has to do with the prophecy though......

"Are you ok Jungkook?"
I look up to the door way and I see Taehyung there, a little candle in his hand so I can see his worried and concerned face.

"I'm fine."
I say, giving him a weak smile, which didn't seem convincing to him or me.
He walks in more, closing the door softly behind him.

"Did.......did something happen?" He asks cautiously, softly sitting on my bed beside me, making me able to see his face more clearly.

The light reflecting off of his face made me see just how beautiful he was.
The light made me see the small mole on his nose and under his bottom lip.
It made me see the way his brows were turned down in concern, but his irises flashed with beauty and innocence, pulling me in more.

The way his hair shyly fell over his forehead, and the way his bow shaped lips were plump and smooth.

It made me lean in. Taehyung- who was too focused on my facial expressions, didn't notice the tension nor seen me leaning in.

Taehyung eyes only widened when he noticed my breath right above his lips.
I kissed him.

Our lips were locked, creating a string of emotions in my heart, but the one I felt the most was desire.

Our lips slowly moved against each other's, my eyes closed while my hand made its way to the back of his head, my hand entangling itself in his luscious pink locks.

Our heads bobbed up and down against each other, his hands making way up my shirt while my other hand made way down his back.

He pulled away, a worried expression on his face.
My instincts kicked in.
"What's wrong? Did I do something? Did you not like it? I'm sorry I pushed myself on you. You don't-"

"Jungkook, it's not that." He says, the expression never leaving his face.
"Then what is it?"
I ask.

"It's just, I don't want you to distract me from why I really came here. I could here you screaming, and I wanted to know why. You did nothing wrong, but- I want to focus on why I originally came here." He tells me.

"Oh." I say, not really wanting to talk about how I killed Taehyung and smiled at it.
"I'll, I'll tell you, but in the morning. It deals with everyone, so I don't want to leave them out." I say to him.

He nods, and stands up.
He then leans down, giving me a firm but gentle kiss, pulling back two seconds later before I could react.

"And by the way, you are an amazing kisser." He says with a smirk.
I blush, turning away from him, my thoughts off of the dream.

After he leaves I squeal.
Yes, I squealed, so shut the fuck up before I smash your fucking face in bitch.

Don't make fun of me.

I got under the covers, my thoughts only on Taehyung.
I closed my eyes, the dream not haunting me anymore, as I only thought about Taehyung.


I waited anxiously on the couch in the living room, waiting for Taehyung to come back with the other members.

I was nervous, a nervous wreck, but I didn't know why.
It was only a dream, but maybe, just maybe, did I see into the future?

But, it was only a possibility.

"What's up Jungkook? Why did you call all of us here?" Namjoon asks as soon as he steps into the room, the other members following after him.

"Take a seat." I say, still nervous.
They all take a seat in front of me, confused on my behavior.

"Jungkook?" Jimin questions.
"So, I've been, having these nightmares."
"Let me finish." I say.

"So like I said, I've been having these nightmares for the past couple of days, and the nightmare consisted of all seven of us, so that's why I gathered you, to talk to you about it, because I have a suspicion."

"Go on." Jin says.
"So, in this reoccurring nightmare- all seven of us are in a lab like place. It has, these cage like tubes that can fit humans alongside us, but there is nothing in them.

There is- this, this ticking sound- and all you guys are a yard away from me, but you all are facing me- with a terrified expression."

I look at them, my eyes finally off of my hands.
"What- what happened next Jungkook?" Hoseok asked.

"Well, there was, this, this black smoke around me, and I, I had these big black bone like wings, and I had black horns and eyes. I had sharp long back finger nails too.

You all were looking at me terrified, and that's when I started to scream. It was highpitched, and it went on for a couple of seconds before I stopped. That's when I attacked you."

"What kind of dream is that." Taehyung expresses, a mix of shock and wariness on his face.

"We fought, and even though it was six against one, you guys were no match. I, I ripped you guys to shreds. There was- was, was blood everywhere." I stuttered out.

Jimin put a hand over his mouth, slightly shaking as he imagined the sight.
"And you guys were just laying there, in a pool of your own blood. And then, I looked, I looked at Taehyung the longest, and I smiled. I fucking smiled!!"

"Oh Jungkookie......."Jin mumbled out with a sympathetic expression on his face.
"But, but that's not all." I say.

"I, I think I was seeing the future."
Everything stopped.
"You think, you saw the future? Does that have to do with your sixth power?" Namjoon asked.

I shrugged, not really able to explain it myself.
"So you think you saw the future." Yoongi said in a disbelief tone, with a raised eyebrow.

I know he didn't believe me.
"Just, I can't explain it. It's a gut feeling, but I can't explain it...." I said trailing off.

"Jungkook, maybe you need more rest. I know we have abilities and shit, but seeing the future is impossible." Namjoon explained to me.

My anger rose.
"Why can't you just believe me?!! Let's say I'm wrong! Ok fine nothing bad happened and my gut feeling was wrong, but what if I'm right?!! What, what if this is going to happen to us!!" I say.

"Sorry Kook, but it's hard to believe. I can't trust your gut feeling." That hit home.
My expression was unreadable, yet my heart shattered inside.

They couldn't trust me.
They, they couldn't trust me.
I stood up, ready to walk out.

"I'm fine. I just, I just need to think."
I say, walking with quick footsteps out of the room, leaving behind my friends who wore confused and disbelieved expressions.



(Completed) Book 1: Taken//Bts Supernatural AuWhere stories live. Discover now