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"Stop lying to me. Where did you put the fucking cookies!!!" I hissed.
Today I was in a bad mood because I had a dream of Taehyung getting back together with his ex boyfriend.

I hated it.
And Jimin hiding the fact that he knew where the cookies were, added fuel to the fire.
"I-I don't know, really."
The feeling of him lying came back to me.

My hand slammed into the counter, my nerves getting bad, feeling the counter slowly melt beneath my touch.

Jimin saw this and started to panic.
"Ok ok I'm sorry!! Don't burn the counter!!! Jin hyung told me to not tell you because he doesn't want you to get............fat?" Jimin said quickly, face turned and eyes shut.

I stayed quiet, my hand off the counter, but my mind and body not knowing how to react to the sentence that just came out of his mouth.

"Where is he?" I ask.
"He-he's in Namjoons o-office." Jimin said, face still turned in fright and eyes shut tightly.

"I'm not going to hurt you ok, just know that I'm not that type of person. I won't ever do that ok?" I say rather softly, watching as Jimin slowly becomes un-tensed.

"O-ok........." Jimin said slowly, and I had a feeling he still didn't believe me, but I didn't dwell on it, now focused on killing Jin for taking my cookies and mentioning that I would become fat.

When I approached Namjoon's office I heard weird sounds, sounds that were unfamiliar to me.
I heard Jin's voice telling Namjoon to stop, and I assumed Namjoon was hurting Jin.
I burst through the door angrily, but my eyes widen, and my face turns red.

I close the door and run, ignoring Jin and Namjoon's voices as I tried to get that image out of my head.

I don't know what they were doing, but it smelled fucking disgusting in that room.
As I start to slow down, I accidentally bump into Taehyung, who I haven't really talked to properly in a few months ever since his confession.

"Hey." He says.
I just stare at him, not knowing how to respond.
After we just stand there, I let out a reply.
After that I walk past him, feeling his eyes move with me, watching me move away from him.

Honestly I already forgot about the cookies, my thoughts now filled with how much I actually missed Taehyung.

"Fuck...." I groan, my footsteps leading me to the same place I was when I confessed to Hoseok about my parents.

I walk inside, taking a deep breath and leaned against a wall, slowly sitting myself down.
I'm a mess. My thoughts, I can't even understand anymore, and what the hunters were talking about still bothers me.

I don't like Taehyung,
I don't like Taehyung,
I don't like Taehyung,
"I don't like Taehyung."
I said out loud, the silence engulfing my words.
"I don't like Taehyung." I said again, trying to reassure myself, even though it wasn't working.

"Oh what the hell, I do like Taehyung!" I said frustratedly, grabbing onto my hair and shutting my eyes tightly.

I need to get my thoughts together, and fast.


When I walked into my bedroom I didn't expect there to be eight people there already, one getting up and lifting me up with dirt, and created a hand around my throat.

"Uh guys?" I ask confused, everyone was there except Taehyung, and there were some people there who I didn't know.

"Jin?" I ask, when I didn't get a response, trying to motion for him to let me go.
"What did you do to Taehyung."
He said deadly.

(Completed) Book 1: Taken//Bts Supernatural AuDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora