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Oh thank God!! That means we're close. Do you know how worried we were that you weren't alive!! Do you know how stupid you acted!!

I know, but it was for the best.

How was that for the best Jungkook? I still don't understand.

I did see the future, and it was possible, since my grandmother could see the future too.


That's another story, but anyway, I was captured by some hunters.

What!! I'll find the location to get you so-

No!! Don't-
I then remember my grandmothers words about fate.
They were here in my dream about the future, so I should just tell them where I am and get it over with


I'm in the local city that you saw me run into, in the rich part of the town. A couple of blocks down from the local supermarket there, and you'll see a building that kind of looks like a lab. I don't remember how to get where I am inside of the building, but you go through about five doors and eight hallways.

Thanks for the information Jungkook, just stay there and sit tight, we'll get you.

Not like I can actually go anywhere.

Don't get smart. I'll talk to you until we get there because I'll then be able to sense the connection since it gets stronger the closer I am to you.

Ok, I have something to talk to you about.

What is it?

It's about Jeons.

Is it something important?


Then go on and tell me.

Well, do you know about the origin of the first Jeons?

Uh yeah but how is that relevant?

It is, now tell me.

Well, there was a man with blue eyes and a woman with purple eyes, and they were kicked out of society because they were different-

That's utter bullshit.

Excuse me? Jungkook tell me what you're getting at here?!

That's not the true story about the Jeons.

......It isn't?

No. The true story about the Jeons is that we were once failed lab experiments, and we had abnormal mutated fangs that we used to kill the doctors, children, fathers, mothers, and anyone in our way.

We then hid from society, and learned how to hide our fangs, and then we lied to our children about our true selves and made a fake story up.



That's.....terrible. But, does that mean you have fangs?

Yes it does, though it's been over ten years since I've used them and a few hours since I've know of it's actual existence.

That's rough, I'm sorry.

Don't be sorry for something that's not in your control. Also, I also have something else important to tell you.

(Completed) Book 1: Taken//Bts Supernatural AuOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz