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"Jungkook!!!!" Taehyung calls, screaming my name.
"Hyung!!! Help me!!! Help me!!!!" I screamed, tears running down my face as I felt so much pain within me.

Taehyung froze, and then I could see the complete terror in his eyes.
"Baby hold on!!!!" Hold on!!! Don't let go of your humanity!!!"

"H-hyung..........I-I can't, can't breathe!!!" I gasped out, feeling a hand wrap around my neck and start to squeeze.

"I-I'm sorry Hyung..............I'm sorry I could save you guys....................and myself......"
I could hear Taehyung scream loudly, his voice fading away to the back of my mind.

You don't need him, he's nothing to you now.
You don't have to suffer anymore, take my hand, and you'll be able to protect everybody.....

"Everybody......Protect everybody......."
I whispered.
And that, is when I accept the hand, the hand of my lover..........Taehyung.
He was on the other side, waiting for me- waiting for me to come home.


"No...." Taehyung said.
"This can't be right.........."
Namjoon said, just as terrified and confused as everyone else.

The thick black smoke covered Jungkook, making him invisible to the eye.
Once the smoke clears, they all see what they feared.

They saw Jungkook with black bone like wings, with black eyes and horns, thin but sharp black nails were grown from his fingers tips. He was what he feared he'd become.

He started to scream, screaming loud high pitches screams, while he held his head, slowly backing away from the group.

"He's, he's fighting it." Namjoon says in shock.
Jungkook continues to scream, becoming more and more un-human.

He then stops completely, staring at the group with dead eyes, before he jumps, wings standing out beside him, as he flies through the roof, creating an escape route for everyone else.

"Jungkook, he was right, and we just pushed him away......"Taehyung said with tears in his eyes.

"Fuck." Yoongi grumbled, his hands in his hair frustratedly.
"We're so stupid!! So so stupid!!" Jimin screamed, full on sobbing.
Yoongi's took him in his chest, his arms wrapped around Jimin protectively as he shakes and sobs.

"I'm a damn fool...." Namjoon whispers, falling onto his knees to the ground.
"He fought it guys!! He fought it!! He went against fate to have us survive!! We shouldn't let that go to waste! We need to escape and find him, and bring him back. We need to repay him for having the strength to go against fate."
Taehyung said, determination and hope in his eyes.

The other boys looked at him from their defeated positions, admiration and hope sparkling in their eyes as they thought over what the boy said.

Yoongi nodded- and with his eyes, he raised the boys and himself, all of them floating the the light, the exit that Jungkook created to save them.

They landed on the roof next to the hole, all of them with now determined expressions on their faces.

"It's been a long run, but we will find Jungkook. We'll find him and we'll bring him back home."


"He'll come back to us, and then all of this will be over. We'll all be a family again. With no destruction, no hatred, jealousy, fighting, killing, death, just plain peace. We yearn for that, and we'll get it once we bright back Jungkook."

Namjoon says, his eye faced towards the sky where Jungkook took off.
Everyone held hopeful smiles on their faces, especially Taehyung, as he had the most hopeful one.

"We'll bring you back baby, we will, and we'll succeed, and then we'll start our own family and-

I woke up. I woke up sweating, shaking from under the covers. It wasn't from the cold winter outside, but from the weird dream/ slash nightmare I just had.

The body next to me groans, and I look the the side, smiling down at the sight next to me.
Taehyung looked absolutely gorgeous in the moonlight.

It shined on his bed head, his beautiful pink and blue hair, while his restful face was peaceful, the moles on his nose and under his lip teasing me.

His bare chest full of blue, yellow, and purple marks showing the fun and eventful night we had.

His eyes slowly open, the bright blue eyes that I've grown to love. Staring right at me sleepily.
"What are you doing up Jungkook?? It's like- midnight, go back to sleep." He says in a soothing deep sleepy voice.

I chuckle softly.
"I will baby, I'm just going to get some water from the kitchen."
He nods, closing his eyes and rolling over, letting his tan back face me.

I get up, quietly moving the covers off of me and letting my bare feet hit the ground.
I walk towards the door, opening it, my bare chest shivering from the hot of warmth I got as soon as I opened it.

I closed it behind me, not wanting to bother Taehyung from the change in temperature.
I walk to the kitchen, reaching up I open the cabinet to get a glass, closing it after me.

I then turn to the sink, turning the cold water on, letting it run for a few seconds and then put my glass under it, letting it fill up halfway.

I stop the water, pulling the glass back and raising it to my lips.
I start to sip on it, recalling the interaction I had with Taehyung in bed.

That's when I stopped. Puzzled, I pull the glass away from my face, looking down at it as I start to think.

Taehyung doesn't have pink hair-

"Jungkook!! Oh my God he's waking up!! He's waking up call the nurses!!!"
I faintly hear a chair scrape back, and footsteps fade away quickly.

My eyes open, my vision blurry. I start to blink rapidly, my eyes adjusting slowly to the bright light.

There was white all around me, making me confused.
Wasn't I-
"Hey Jungkook."
I turn my head towards the voice that I heard on my left.
The person I face shocks me. But what shocks me even more, is that the person had black hair.

"You're not Taehyung."


That's the end of the books folks!! It's been fun writing this, but this'll be the last time I write a book the way I did.

There will be a sequel, but it'll be a quickly one, not as long as this.

I hope you enjoyed, and make sure to check out my other books!!


(Completed) Book 1: Taken//Bts Supernatural AuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora