Chapter 5: Changing Times

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"Thanks again, baby." I moaned as I hung over the toilet, Katsuki holding my hair back.

"No problem." He sighed in irritation as he rubbed my back. "I just wish there was something more I could do."

"You're doing as much as you can. Don't push yourself too much." I reminded him as I touched his cheek.

"Today is the big day." He said absentmindedly as he began to braid my hair and my stomach began to settle down, much to my relief.

"I don't know if I'm more excited or nervous." I confessed as I reclined against the bathroom wall and he tied off the braid. "Three months already. Not that you can tell." I added as I looked down at where I could only guess our baby was hiding. 

"I can tell, but that's just because how much chaos your hormones have been wreaking." Katsuki snorted. "What are you nervous about anyway?"

"We're still so early in. This is a risky time, and I'm afraid of losing the baby by miscarriage or something. It doesn't help that my mom had a miscarriage before either." I confessed sadly.

Katsuki sighed as he put his arm around me.

"Listen, I can't and never will be able to say I know exactly how you feel. But I'll try. And for now, let's choose not to worry: instead, let's be excited. We're going to hear the little firecracker's heart today."

"Okay." I sighed as I stood. "I can do that."

"Atta' girl. Now, think you're done puking and we can get dressed and ready to go?"

"I think so. But could you get me some water?"

"On it." He said as he dashed out.

"That was incredible." I sighed as I listened to the video of the ultrasound again as we drove home. Katsuki turned off the music with a smile as he listened and we pulled into the driveway.

"Kid's got a strong heart." He agreed as he opened the car door for me.

"Not unlike his or her daddy." I laughed as Katsuki blushed. "Been married for a year, and I can still get you flustered, you big old soft—"

"Hotaru!" A car slid up next to ours and Gang Orca practically jumped out in a flurried mess.

"Gang Orca! Are you all right?" I asked in concern as he continued to look like he'd seen a ghost.

"Speak up man, is there a villain or something?" Katsuki said as he held my hand and scanned the area.

"Shoto just told me you were on medical leave and stepping down from your #5 spot!" Gang Orca gasped like a fish out of water while two of his sidekicks looked on in surprise at their usually calm, collected leader. "What happened? Was it a problem from one of the missions you did with my agency? I was only on vacation for two months! What type of medical problem do you have, Hotaru?!?"

"Well, I wouldn't exactly call it a problem per se." Katsuki said as he messed with his hair awkwardly. "Although it has made her sick on occasion, and emotional—"

"What Katsuki is trying to say is I'm fine, Gang Orca." I said as reassuringly as possible. "As a matter of fact, I'd say its anything but a problem," I added as I pulled out my phone and showed him the video of the ultrasound.

He looked on and his jaw dropped as he looked between Katsuki and I.

"Bakugo Katsuki, how dare—"

"Gang, remember he's my husband." I reminded him quickly as I stepped between them.

"Then let me be one of the first to congratulate you!" Gang said, doing a complete 180 as he hugged Katsuki and I. "Your kid is going to be a powerhouse, that's for sure. Why didn't you tell me sooner, seeing as you still technically work with us?"

"Because you only got back today and I thought it'd be more appropriate to inform you in person."

"True, true. Well, you know the paperwork, and you're more than welcome to work with us as long as you feel up to it. Now I can't wait to see the little one myself! How far along are you?"

"Three months, give or take." Katsuki replied as he took my hand. "We can continue this inside if you'd like, but Hotaru's pregnancy has been taking a toll on her endurance, so I think she'd like to put her feet up." He said as he glanced at my yawn.

"Of course, I must go anyway. You two have a great day."

"Oh, and Orca?" I called after him. "Please don't tell anyone: we haven't quite told anybody yet except my brother's family. And I think you'll be a great uncle."

Gang Orca had the biggest smile as he gave us a thumbs-up and sped off.

"So...better tell our parents sooner rather than later." I sighed as we walked into the house. "Who do we tell first?"

A big grin covered Katsuki's face. 

"Let's do mine. This isn't anything new for your folks, but this'll be the first for my parents. Plus, wouldn't you like to be pampered by my mom?"

"Your mother is the sweetest. You know what?" I grabbed his hand and he nearly tripped mid-step. "Let's go now."

"But don't you not feel well?"

"You said it yourself. Your mom will go ballistic, and I want to see their faces now." 

"Heh. Let's go." He said, and I could tell he was secretly pleased I had chosen to tell his parents first.

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