02| The girl

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Min Hyuna

"I said stop running!"

The man I was chasing didn't listen to me and ran faster instead, I picked up my speed before he can have the chance to escape.

I'm starting to run out of breath as I picked up my speed. I have been chasing this guy for about five minutes now and all that I can say is he is very agile with his movements. Unfortunately for him, he's fighting with the one and only, Hera.

I smirked when I notice him looking at his left and then turn his head around to see if I'm still chasing him. His eyes widened when he saw that I was gaining up on him, he probably didn't expect for a girl like me to catch him.

I sped up my feet even more as I found an opening for a shortcut. I turn to my left and got at the other side of the sidewalk first and his body immediately face-planted in front of me when he noticed that I was already standing in front of him and blocking the pathway.

I got down and secured my knee on his back, strong enough to hold him down while I put on the cuffs on his wrists, but not as hard so I can let him breath.

"Kang Taeyun! You are under arrest for invasion of privacy and criminal harassment. You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future."

I stood up and helped him up from the ground with a painful groan. He gave me glare in which I returned with an eye roll.

"You're not an officer."

I smirked at his statement. "Correct, but I have every right and duty to arrest you as I work for the government."

I took the walkie talkie from its place on my hips and pressed a button, "Hera to headquarters, I have successfully captured Kang Taeyun."

"Copy that Hera, Thunder is on his way."

"Roger that!"

I started to drag him towards a bench just next to us as we both wait for my co-agent to arrive. We're at the edge of a park right now and there aren't that many people outside.

"I didn't do anything wrong," He mumbled, but enough for me to hear.

I scoffed, "Invasion of privacy and criminal harassment or probably more known as stalking is a big criminal offence! How could somebody in the right mind follow around another person without even thinking about what that person would feel?!"

His head hung low, "I just wanted to see how she's doing."

"Yeah, well she's obviously not okay after you kept following her around and taking pictures of her," I sarcastically responded. "Seriously though, could you not just go to a fanmeet or a concert?"

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