30| Secret

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Kim Taehyung

What in Jimin hyung's tiny hands just happened?!

Alright, let's recap.

First, I saw Hyuna fighting some random dude and then some other random dude kidnapped me and yeeted me in their black van.

Then, this guy, I suppose he is the leader of said group, kept asking me random questions about Hyuna and this idiot kept screaming at me because he was angry that I wasn't saying anything.

Is he dumb or did he just used up all of his brain cell in his last highschool pop quiz?

This dumb gang leader of some sort probably forgot that the reason why I can't talk is because he placed a duct tape on my mouth to keep me from talking.

And now, he has the AUDACITY to yell at me for not answering his weird questions.

Then, Hyuna and some other people came to the rescue and she got into a short argument with that idiot dude.

And what's more shocking is that my member, my leader, and one of my closest friends is also one of Hyuna's secret group thingy.

So, yeah, that's about it.

Now, I'm here in a room in their so called headquarters for I don't really know and they're all staring at me like I'm an alien from another planet.

"So, is anybody gonna tell me what's really going on?" I asked them.

Namjoon hyung sighed and stepped up.

"Look Tae, we're going to tell you everything," He said. "But, you need to promise me that you won't tell anyone about what you just saw and what you're about to hear."

"Under no circumstances, must a word about this whole situation leave this room, got it?"

I nodded in response.

"Wait, but what if I do tell someone else?" I asked them out of curiosity.

"Then, the whole government of Korea will try and hunt you down," Hyuna said.

"Which won't be that hard considering you're a famous Kpop idol."

I stiffened at what she just said.

"But, just like I said earlier, that's why not a single word about this will leave this room," Namjoon hyung said while trying to calm me down.

"Alright," I prepared myself as to what's to come.

"Me and Hyuna are secret agents."

I stopped moving and my eyes kept blinking, "I'm sorry, what?"

"Me and Hyuna are secret agents of the government," Namjoon hyung repeated.

"There is a small part of the government that is hidden from the world. It's called 'The order of government idols' and we help fight crimes around the country."

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