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Min Hyuna

After buying everything from the convenience store, we finally decided to walk back to our dorms. 

As much as I want to decline Taehyung oppa's polite offer to walk me back to my dorm, I still have to distract him and so I agreed.

"Why are you out so late?" I asked him as we walked down the sidewalk.

The streetlights are on so it's a bit more comfortable walking just by the two of us. It was already late at night and so there aren't that many people out anymore.

He is carrying a plastic bag with a bunch of chips and sodas.

Aren't they performing in the MAMA awards? I thought they will have a strict diet or something.

He chuckled a bit, "Aren't I supposed to ask you that question?"

"A young lady taking a stroll out in the middle of the night without a single person with her," He said. "It's dangerous for ladies to be out at night like these."

I snorted, "You don't think I can't take care of myself?"

"It's not that," He said while shaking his head. "I mean, aren't you scared that some random middle aged man might come and kidnap you or something?"

Instead of answering, I just laughed at his statement.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked.

It took a few seconds for me to finish laughing before sighing in relief.

"Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't stand up on my own or save myself from the horrible ways of life," I stated while keeping my focus up front.

"I mean, sure, a lot of girls are afraid of going out at night alone. But, it doesn't mean that we can't fight back."

"But, because of fear, won't people just ask for help because they're scared? I mean, every time I get scared my body just turns into literal stone," He mumbled.

I glanced at him, "You're right, when people get scared their bodies activate their 'fight or flight' response and their bodies start controlling themselves without the person knowing."

"But, fear is not much of a disadvantage for some people. They can use fear to fight back."

He gave me a confused look. "You're not making sense right now."

I giggled, it made him flinch for some reason.

"See it this way," I began. "For example, a man is trying to kidnap me. There are three choices that I could choose and follow. One is to run and ask for help, that's flight and two is to fight back."

"Then, what's the third one?" He asked.

I gave him a smirk, "The third one is somehow similar to the second one, you fight back. But, you can use his own method, you use fear against him."

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