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You know that saying "Everything happens for a reason"? I think it's true and our story of meeting each other can justify that. After everything that has happened between us, made me realize that perhaps the universe has been conspiring to make our path cross.

I am Kevin a fresh graduate of senior high school. College is coming near and I don't have a clue in the world what to major in. So I did the most sensible thing. I laid out every course I want to take, forming a circle then got a bottle. I will let the universe decide what's best for me. So I held the bottle tight and spun it, spinning for almost 30 seconds and that was the longest 30 seconds of my life. It started to slow down and pointed at electronics and communication engineering. Well I guess that's the path the universe wants me to take. So it has been decided. Electronics and communication engineering it is! That's one problem down, now the second problem: What university to go to? I didn't want it to be just a game so I researched about universities that are offering ECE (Electronic and Communication Engineering) and stumbled upon a university in Baguio City, Saint Louis University. It's not that far from La Union where I live.

The next day I talked to my parents about my college. They were happy with my decision and supported me. At first they were worried of me being far from them but I reassured them, everything is going to be fine. After all I'm no longer a baby. This is the start of the universe conspiring for me to meet you.

Few months have passed and I have prepared everything I need to do. I have passed my credentials to the university and have enrolled. I even have chosen a dormitory to live my five years of college life. Everything is just falling into its right place. I decided to go to Baguio a week before the start of classes. I guess I wanted to get to know the city first. So I know where to access where. I went to SM to buy things that I needed when I bumped into someone. He was wearing a Saint Louis University engineering jacket. I was thrown out of balance and fell on the ground. He immediately apologized and helped me got up. When I looked into him his iced coffee has also fell on the ground. I apologized immediately for my clumsiness and offered him to buy him another drink. He refused and said it was okay but I insisted. Until he finally agreed. We went to where he bought his drink and separated afterwards. I resumed what I was doing and hoped I don't mess up once again. Just when I thought everything is going so well. A week have passed and the classes have started. It was a bit awkward because I didn't know anyone, I kind of wished I went with the same university with my friends but it didn't take long before I started knowing people. In our first class our professor made us group ourselves into five. I was left alone in the corner when a beautiful lady approached me and asked me to be in her group. That was how I met my energetic friends, Fred, Margaret, Eric and, the one who introduced them all to me, Elizabeth.

"What's your name?" Elizabeth asked.

"I'm Kevin Herera." I replied.

"It's nice to meet you Kevin." They all greeted me.

Ever since that day we've been together every day. We have our lunch together at the cafeteria. While we were taking out lunch and sharing stories a guy went to our table said, "Can't you see you're not the only one who's using the cafeteria!" I do am guilty that we were too loud. So I stood up and apologized. He then turned back and went back to his seat with his friends. The busy loud cafeteria was silenced. It seems that we were too loud that we are the only thing you can hear.

"What a kill joy." Fred said.

"True that." Margaret replied.

"Hey, it was kind of our fault too." I said.

"Maybe we were too loud." Elizabeth backed me up.

"Either way I've lost my appetite." Fred replied.

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