James 2.4

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"Where have you been? I've been looking for you." He asked worried.

I handed him his winter melon milk tea and he immediately smiled. "Are we good now?" I asked.

"Why two tho?" He noticed and asked.

"Oh, they weren't selling iced coffee so I want to try your favorite." I replied.

He smiled and got the milk tea from me. We decided to walk by the beach as we savor our milk tea. The tension was gone and we're back to normal. His smiles went back just like it always does, his smile makes me smile.

"You know what I never thought I'd fall for a guy." Kevin said as the waves erase our footprints.

"Have you ever had any relationship?" I asked.

"Well I had crushed before but I've never been into a relationship." He replied.

"This might be too late to ask but are you gay?" I asked.

"I've never liked men but it's different when it comes to you. All I know is that I didn't care whether you're a guy. It's weird but I guess being in love with you makes me one." He replied.

"What did I even do for you to like me?" I asked.

"Well at first. I really dislike you. You judged us so easily and you kept being an asshole but eventually when I got to see your not-so evil side. I begun appreciating you and I don't know, one day I got this unexplainable feeling for you." He explained.

"Well who wouldn't fall for me?" I joked and he almost chocked his drinks and chuckled. "What's so funny?" I asked.

He smiled and replied, "You're always so serious. What's with you today?"

"Just let me be." I replied looking all shy.

We then head back to the resort when the sun starts to set. We didn't realize we had walked far but it was worth it since we were able to talk about our feelings, his feelings more accurately. When we reached the resort we decided to swim at the beach. After that we decided to have our dinner. We rested for a moment and played at the pool. All night, we pretty much stayed at the pool. We tried to make the best out of it since it would be our last night at the resort. Kevin wanted to extend but my family is expecting me home by tomorrow specially I lied that I was doing some club related activities and can't come home right away. We ended the night with a few bottle of beer before sleeping at our room. This time we stopped at the second drink. Just like always, I woke up first and did a few push ups and woke Kevin up but he wouldn't so I pinched his cheeks. Still no response. I pinched his nose and he woke up.

"It's so early." Kevin complained with a very sleepy voice

"It's our last day. Are you sure you want to sleep?" I replied.

He scratched him head and sat up. "Can't we extend? Don't worry I'll pay for it." he said looking cute with his half awake face and bed hair.

"No! May and Karl is waiting for me." I replied.

"Can I stay over with you then?" He said.

"Not a chance." I replied and pulled the blanket. "Let's go." I shouted.

"Even just for one day." He pleaded.

"Okay, fine. Get up then so we can have our breakfast." I said and he stood up. He went to the mirror and fixed himself. We headed to the dinning area to have our breakfast. Kevin brought with him his camera so it means a photoshoot and he would be making me pose everywhere but on my surprise we didn't go anywhere he just wanted me to play. So after our breakfast we borrowed some guitar from the resort and I played while Kevin took pictures and videos of me. Next thing we did was we roamed the resort and Kevin sneaked to take a picture of me. We basically just did picture taking and went back to our room to fix our things. We surrendered our keys to the desk and went our way. We decided to take a side trip at a local milk tea shop before riding a bus to get to our house. Kevin was excited and it was written all over his face while I'm still frustrated thinking of an alibi why I'm bringing him with me. Before I knew it we arrived in front of our house and I still don't have an alibi. My mom saw us and immediately went to see me and realized I was with someone.

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