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Few days after our match with the Science Department, we had to face the Department of Humanities, which we defeated by 20 points. Then for our next match is the Nursing Department and we also won by 25 points because of that we were qualified for the championship. For the championship we are facing the Business Department. On the day of the championship the gymnasium was full of students. One side was supporting the Engineering and Architecture Department and the other side was rooting for the Business Department. The atmosphere was so intense. Even if the games haven't started the cheer could already be heard. From what I've heard the two department have always fought over the championship in basketball and today isn't much of a difference. We started with the usual lineup. The Business Department was able to score first but we were able to catch up right away. The game went pretty intense. No team wanted to lose. Every point one team makes the other another team made sure to make a point too. No one broke the equilibrium but mid game James had his ankle sprained after a rebound. He has to be rushed to the infirmary. He had to be substituted. This is when the Business department started gaining points. Losing the best center of our team really crippled our team but just before the game ended I begun getting more pass and more likely it was a sure shot. I'm not bragging but my father and I have always competed ever since I was young so this isn't really something new to me. Plus, I work well under pressure. We began catching up until we took the lead. We ended up winning with a score of 85-99. Right after the game, I even didn't wait for the announcement of the MVP, I went with our coach to check on James. Gladly it wasn't a serious injury but he need assistance in walking. The coach told the result to James and even praised me for my three point shots. He mentioned that he's planning a celebration dinner and that he'll just text us the details. He then left after than to check on the team. I decided to stay for a while.

"How's your foot?" I asked.

"It's fine. The nurse told me to rest for a few days." He replied.

"You were great at the court." I said.

"Stop patronizing me who knew you'd be able to score that much. The coach even praises you." He said and nudged me.

"Back when I was a child my father and I would play a shooting game and I guess that's when I began being good at it but don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of basketball." I replied.

"Then why did you try out for basketball then?" He asked.

"Plus points!" I said with a gleaming smile, "For my PE subject."

He then smiled and said, "You're not so bad after all."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Well let's just say that I might have misjudged you." He replied.

"Well what was you first impression of me?" I pried.

"At first, I thought you were one of those people who take their education for granted. There are people who would kill for to be in your position and the thought of someone just taking it for granted irritates me. Also you annoy me so much. You and your friend are obnoxious. Just hearing your voices was enough to ruin my day." He explained.

"If you hated us that much. Why did you help us at the bar?" I asked.

"Simple, because that is my nature and my nature has nothing to do with yours." He replied sounding so wise.

The nurse came in and interrupted our conversation. She gave James some pain reliever and told James that he can leave when he feels better. James decided to leave even if he's not that well. He didn't like the smell of medicine he told me. So we left but before we could even leave James' friends came over to check on him.

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