KEVIN 1.10

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"Who's this?" James asked the call.

"It's Kevin. Yeah I'm just checking on you. Luis told me you weren't feeling well and I tried to check on you on your room. You weren't there." I replied trying not to sound so worried.

"Oh, don't worry about me. I'm fine anyway I'm kinda busy right now. I'll be hanging up now." He said and before I could say a word the call ended. I tried to call him again but there was no answer so I just let it be. Is he avoiding me? I tried to ask myself but I dismissed the thought right away. I just let the day pass and hope I'd be able to talk to him the next day. I alarmed to wake up early to check on James but there was no answer when I knocked his door. I went to the university hoping to bumped into him but there was no sign of him. I tried walking around but there was no sign of him until I bumped into my friends.

"It's so early why are you so tired already?" Fred asked confused.

"Are you okay?" Elizabeth asked.

I nodded and said, "I'm just looking for someone."

"Well you can look for her or whoever it is later. Our class is about to start." Fred reminded me and we all went to class. All this time I couldn't focus. I kept thinking of James. When our first class ended I decided to call him but he wasn't answering. I tried to call him a couple of times but he isn't answering. On lunch I went to his usual place but there was no James to be found. I badly wanted to find him I missed my lunch and as a compromise, I ate is a half slice of sandwich. After my afternoon class I hoped that I would see James at the workshop but alas, even there he was nowhere to be found. I asked our president where James is but all he knows is that he asked to be excused for a couple of weeks. On our dormitory I tried checking his room but his lights are already off. So as a final try I called him but just like earlier he isn't answering. For two days I haven't seen him not even once and what's funny is we live in the same dormitory with few doors apart. This got me thinking if he's avoiding me and questions started plaguing my thoughts such us what did I do for him to avoid me? and why is he avoiding me? Questions after question plagued my mind that I couldn't barely sleep. Even if I try sleeping I was no match with the anxiety I'm feeling right now. Even if I turn left and right, roll around, and change my sleeping position. Sleep still eludes me. "What did I do?" The question that kept me awake for nights but nights is not forever, the sun has to rose and I have to go on with my day. I have to take a bath and attend my classes but before going to class I would check on James in his room but there is no answer. Today I was early in class and the only person there was me and Elizabeth.

"Hi." She greeted and I smiled and waved my hands to greet her back. "You don't look so well? What happened to you?" She noticed.

"I just wasn't able to sleep." I replied and yawned.

"It's been going on for days. If you're not feeling well you can go back to your dorm and I'll just take notes for you." Elizabeth said.

"I'll be fine." I replied and did a thumbs up. Then it wasn't long before the noisy Fred and Margaret came to class.

"Hey!" Margaret called our attention. "I saw James in the cafeteria. Oh my gosh he's so handsome." Margaret squealed.

The moment I heard James' name I stood and excused myself. I ran from our building to the cafeteria. I ran so fast hoping to see James and finally be able to talk to him but when I got there he wasn't there. Although I saw Luis and Matthew, so I approached them to ask about James and according to them he was just with them a while ago. I just thanked them and went back to my class. "Where did you go?" Fred asked curious by how tired I was.

"You really don't look okay. You should take a rest." Elizabeth said.

I wanted to tell them what's going on but I don't know if they'll understand so I just kept it to myself and just smiled and reassured them I was okay and that I'm just sleepy.

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