James 2.7

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"Oh come on James. I've noticed how you always space out this past few days. Come on James you can trust me with your problems." Luis said.

"I'm fine really." I tried to convince him.

"I know you're not. If you're not ready to tell me then okay. I respect you." He replied

"Okay. Let's go somewhere less crowded." I said. We then went outside and dine in a fast food nearby. We ordered snacks and talked.

"So what's the problem?" He asked as soon as we took our sit.

"Promise me to not laugh then." I said to which he agreed. I took a deep breath and let it all out. I told him about me and Kevin. I told our story and how everything begun. Then I told him my dilemma, how hard it is for two man to fall for each other. I told him about my insecurities and fears. I told him everything that's holding me back. I told him how I'm okay when we're in the safety of our room but when we are outside everything changes.

"With all of this do you love him?" He asked.

"Yes but after what I've done to him. I don't think I deserve him." I replied.

"What matters is that you love him and he loves you too." He said.

"But wouldn't he be much better with a girl?" I asked.

"You have so many excuses when the only way you can truly know is if you give it a try. I know it's scary but are you gonna let him go because of your fears? Can you watch him fall for someone else? Can you let that happen?" He said and I was silenced. I questioned myself. Deep down I know I am not ready to let him go. I am not ready to see him with someone else. I know that I love him but can I stand up for him? "It's not too late to correct your mistakes so don't wait for that time to come. If you really love him like you're telling me. Tell him and more importantly show him." He added. I sat quiet then Luis received a text. Our club president is looking for us. So we finished our snack and went to the booth where Kevin was waiting for us.

"We need to serenade someone in the engineering building, room 503." Kevin said. I was about to approach him but he went with the other group member.

Luis saw me and said, "There's still another time. For now let's focus in our task." We followed the group and once we arrived at room 503 we asked for permission to the professor. Gladly, the professor was friendly. We stood in front and Luis read, "This song is for Maria Elizabeth from Jacob." Luis exchanged places with Kevin, who is now standing beside me. I started strumming and after the intro everyone started singing. The song was I Do Cherish You by 98 Degrees. I know the song because of my mom. I sang the song with all my heart hopefully Kevin would hear my speechless heart. I hope he hears me because I don't know how to put this feelings into words and all I can do is to sing it. When the song was finished we took a bow and gave the flowers to Elizabeth. After everything we left and Kevin was the first one to leave. I wanted to talk to him but I just let him be. Maybe I should give him some time but time is my enemy. I'm really losing my mind. What is this feeling? Why am I acting out of my personality? Is this how big his impact in my life? We all went back to the booth to receive another request. If Kevin only knows that all this love song is meant for him.

We would seranade and when we're free we stay around the booth for clients this is how our day went. Everything went smoothly and we were able to raise some funds for our club. Although everything was a success there's one thing that I haven't dont yet and it's to talk to Kevin then Luis had the brightest idea. He gathered everyone and insisted to have a dinner celebration for the successful day. Before anyone could say no he said "no killjoy" with conviction. So we cleaned the booth and left, to head to Session road. There we looked for a place to eat and it was hard because there were a lot of us. When we found a place we had to be separated into two tables. Kevin sat at the other table. So Luis who was sitting beside me called Kevin out.

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