James 2.1

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I accepted Kevin's friend request and lay in my bed. I raised my hand staring at the bracelet Kevin gave me. This feeling, I'm not even sure what but I want this to last. I want what Kevin brings into my life. He's like the rainbow after the rain. He brought color into my boring life. If you would ask me back then, I would have never imagined myself in this position smiling like crazy because of a guy. Oh, Kevin just what have you done to my heart? Ever since Camille I have never opened my heart but somehow your smile and laughter made their way through. I slept peacefully and happy. When I woke up the sun shines brighter than usual. My room was brighter, everything is brighter. I checked for my wrist and there it is; the reason of all of this. I went to my usual morning routine. I did my morning exercise and took a bath. I went to check on Kevin but he seemed to be sleeping still. So I went to buy some food before waking him up. I waited in front of his door and knocked countless times before he opened up. He's such a prince I told myself. When he opened his door he greeted me with a big yawn in his pajama. I raised the food I bought for us and smiled. He came into his senses and invited me inside.

"Why are you so early?" He asked while robbing his eyes.

"Well if I was here any later, then it wouldn't be breakfast." I replied while preparing our breakfast.

"I don't have classes today. I should be sleeping." He replied.

"Well I wouldn't be here later. So this is the only time I can be with you." I told him.

"You really want to see me that much huh?" He teased me.

"Just eat." I replied with a loopsided smile and chuckled.

"Where are you going anyway?" He asked.

"Today is my sister's birthday so I need to go home." I replied.

"I'll accompany you in the bus terminal then." He suggested.

"No need. You just continue sleeping. I can manage." I replied and smiled. He went along with my decision and we had our breakfast. After our breakfast I prepared for my trip to Pangasinan. On my way out of my room Kevin was standing in front of his door waiting for me.

"Didn't I tell you, you don't have to accompany me." I told him.

"Well my sleep is important but you are more important." I smiled and lightly scratched the back of my ear. I didn't know what to say so I just agreed. He'll come with me anyway. We left the dormitory and went to the bus terminal. Before I left he bought foods and drinks for me. I told him no but he still did it otherwise. There's just no stopping him when he wants something. He's very persuasive at times. He bid me farewell when the bus arrived. I opened the snacks he gave me the moment the bus took off and from there on I couldn't stop smiling. He didn't even forget my bottled cold coffee, my substitute for iced coffee. After almost 2 hours I have arrived in my destination tho I had to take a tricycle to get home. Pangasinan, my home sweet home. The moment I arrived in front of our house, Karl and May rushed to me as soon as they saw me come out of the tricycle while they were peeking at the window. They immediately checked out the things I'm carrying.

"Is this for me?" May asked pointing at the bag

"Yes, that's your gift from me." I replied and she grabbed it and hugged me.

"Thank you." She said in glee.

"How about me?" Karl asked

My mom went out to scold Karl and May, "Let your brother come in first." She shouted.

I just smiled and signaled mom that it's okay. I then gave Karl the snacks I haven't opened yet and we entered our house. Mom and dad together with my two aunts were cooking for May's celebration tonight.

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