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"Looks like your friend sacrificed the both of you." The senior said and laughed, "Anyway I am Luis. May I know your names?"

"I'm Elizabeth and I'm Kevin." I introduced ourselves.

"How about we go to our booth so we can tell you about our club and we can have you registered. Don't worry I'm sure you'll have fun there." Luis said.

We went to their booth and there stood a figure all so well familiar to me. The guy who scolded us in the cafeteria. Just what a small world is this. Elizabeth nudged me making sure we're seeing the same thing. As we approach the booth Luis introduced as to that guy.

"Kevin and Elizabeth this is James." Luis said.

James, just like we do, recognized us in an instant. "Aren't you those obnoxious students in the cafeteria?" he said.

"Calm down James. Don't scare away our future members." Luis retaliated.

"Are you sure you want them as a member? They'll probably just fool around." James replied.

"I don't think it's fair to judge us when you know so little about us." I butt in. I was pissed by what he said. I know what we did but he stepped beyond the line.

"Is that so? Then why don't you prove me wrong?" James replied and handed the registration form to me.

"Hey, hey calm down no need to fight." Luis tried to calm us down.

I grabbed the paper from his hands and wrote my name in the form. I slammed in to the table then thank Luis before storming away. I grabbed Elizabeth and she just went to where I dragged her. It was cheezy to say but I think Elizabeth and I just had a moment there. Anyway we ended up in the cafeteria where we found Fred and the rest of the gang happily munching their snacks.

"So how did it went?" Fred asked.

Before I could even start cursing Elizabeth answered the question and explained everything that happened to them. They laughed at my misfortune and I tried to look at the brighter side of things.

"Well at least Elizabeth is with me." I tried to raise my moral.

"About that, I wasn't able to register my name since you grabbed me before I wrote my name." Elizabeth replied. The three idiots laughed harder and by this time I did a face palm. Just how unlucky can I get, I sighed and thought to myself.

"We also don't know what club you signed in for. They weren't able to say anything because we left." Elizabeth added and the laughter turned louder, just when I thought I couldn't get more humiliated. What a stupid person am I. Other than that the day went normal other than, I sure did made a complete idiot out of myself, everything will be okay I said to myself. We attended our classes then went to the arcade after class and hanged out in the lounge of my dorm.

The next day wasn't any better. On my way to the university I bumped into James.

"Well if it isn't the loud student." He greeted me, "The audition is on Friday. You can still back out now, I'd understand, after all we don't want to see you humiliate yourself."

"See you on Friday then." I replied. I know by this time I should have backed out for two reasons. First, I don't know why is there an audition going on. Second, I don't know what I'm auditioning for or what the audition is for. But since he annoys me so much I bit into his challenge.

"See you on Friday then, 6:00 PM at the auditorium." He said then crossed the street. He just annoys me so much. I know someday I'm going to regret doing this but just for this time let me slam him in the face with you're wrong about me.

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