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"WHY IS THE KITCHEN SO clean?" Remus questioned as he entered. Almost immediately noticing how much more presentable the kitchen and conjoined dining room at Grimmauld Place looked. 

"Master has a filthy blood-traitor coming," Kreacher - Sirius' house elf - sneered.

"Kreacher! I told you to never be in the same room as me!" Sirius' booming voice echoed throughout the kitchen, his angry eyes were glued to the small creature who simply glared at his master, "Of course, Master," He said before exiting the room, his small feet tapping against the staircase.

Remus still looked confused as he let his brown coloured eyes fall upon Sirius.

"Buckbeak still won't eat," The black haired man finally spoke up, the rage leaving his body, "Dawn Weasley is coming round to check him over."

Remus' eyes suddenly widened, "D-Dawn?"

Sirius glanced at his best friend with a suspicious expression, "Yeah, Dawn. I told you about her right? She's the Dragonologist."

Remus cleared his throat, "Yeah, yeah," He nodded, "You mentioned her," He added in a quieter voice.

Sirius was about to open his mouth when a loud noise echoed throughout the usually quiet house. Sharing a worried look with his best friend, the two men were quick to rush out of the kitchen, sighing in relief when they entered the living room and noticed a familiar redhead exiting the fireplace, wiping the dust from her clothes and hair off, "You should probably clean your fireplace," Dawn commented, an amused glint in her eyes as she looked up, her eyes widening when she saw the familiar tall figure standing just behind Sirius Black.

"I'll make note of that," Sirius chuckled as he reached his hand out, grabbing the redhead's bag as she climbed out of the fireplace, "This is Remus Lupin, by the way," The black haired man gestured to his best friend.

Dawn gulped as she looked up, her green eyes meeting Remus' brown ones. She could feel a strange sensation in her stomach as she smiled at the older man, "Yeah, I know. Good to see you again."

Sirius looked utterly confused, his grey eyes shifted from Remus to Dawn as if he was watching a tennis match, eyeing the pink blush that seemed to dust both of their faces.

"You too, Dawn," Remus smiled politely, "How are the dragons?"

Dawn let out a soft chuckle, one that brought on a smile onto Remus' face, "They're all good," She bit her lip when she realised that Sirius was still in the room. Clearing her throat, the redhead quickly turned her direction towards him, ignoring the amused look in his eyes, "So, where's the patient?" She asked, snatching the bag back from Sirius.

"He's in the back," The black haired man said slowly, gesturing towards the back of the house, "Sorry for asking you to come round at such short notice," He added as the three of them left the room, Sirius guiding them through the kitchen with Dawn in the middle and Remus lingering at the back with his hands shoved in his pockets.

"Don't worry about it, Sirius," Dawn told him as he unlocked the back door, "I was coming back home anyways. Plus, I'm more than happy to help."

"I'll leave you to it then."

Dawn nodded, gripping her bag tighter she exited the house, her bright green eyes almost instantly landing on the Hippogriff that laid in the corner of the closed off garden. 

Sirius shut the door ever-so-slightly behind the woman, before turning back to look at his best friend, "What was all that about?" He questioned, raising his eyebrow as he folded his arms across his chest.

Remus shrugged nonchalantly, "I..er..I don't know what you mean."

Sirius stepped forwards, glancing back over his shoulder to look at the door momentarily, "Oh come off it, Moony. Is there something going on between you two?!"

"What?! No!" Remus exclaimed, rubbing the back of his neck, "We..We just bumped into each other a few weeks ago. That's all."

"Could one of you get me a bowl of water, please?" Dawn's voice suddenly called out from the outside, cutting their conversation short.

"Of course!" Sirius yelled back, a smirk present on his face as he kept his eyes locked on Remus, "Go on then, Moony," He nudged his friend, speaking in a quieter voice, "Go get her that water."

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