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EVERYONE DISPERSED FROM THE GREAT Hall in different directions with completely different tasks. The professors of Hogwarts were putting up a protective shield over the school as the Order and the students all went off to different parts of the school, ready to fight.

Dawn did as she promised, she stuck to Remus' side after hugging her family and friends extra tight (just like she had hugged Hope that very same morning before dropping her off at Andromeda and Ted's home), she watched them all go off in their own directions, look of determination completely masking any fear. The twins went off with Arthur and Charlie. Molly rushed away with Ginny. Tonks and her newly wedded husband (Edmund King) ran off towards the Astronomy Tower. Harry, Ron and Hermione went in search for the last Horcrux.

The Lupins were standing on a balcony, overlooking the school grounds. The sun had completely set by now, leaving them in almost pitch black darkness, only sources of light were from wands. That was until Voldemort's followers began to attack. Their spells hit the protective spell before backfiring. The redhead felt a glimmer of hope in her veins, but when she noticed a crack forming in the protective orb, the hope quickly vanished.

"We'll be okay, won't we?" Dawn found herself asking, her voice sounding small as she glanced to her right at her husband. The bright lights reflecting in his eyes.

Remus didn't say anything, instead, he reached down to hold her hand tightly and after several minutes of watching the orb becoming more and more damaged, he turned his head to look at his wife. All he wanted to do was reassure her that everything will be okay, that they will be okay, but he couldn't bring himself to do so because there was a possibility that no one would see the following morning. So he stayed quiet, simply absorbing her beauty and the fact that she could make him feel at ease even in the most terrifying and stressful situations.  

Dawn noticed the look of worry in Remus' eyes and she squeezed his hand tighter. They stood side by side, watching as the Death Eaters attacked and attacked the protective orb, pieces of it now flying downwards, a bit even got stuck in Dawn's bright hair. She couldn't bring herself to talk and instead just let her mind wander. She thought about Hope, the one year old was most definitely fast asleep by now, no worries plaguing her thoughts. She thought about Remus and about how much she loved him. He was her soulmate and nothing could ever change that. She then thought about the rest of her family (including Harry and Hermione) and she couldn't help but wonder if they were all okay, she couldn't help but wonder what Percy was doing right at that moment; was he fast asleep with no fear on his mind? Was he still at the Ministry? Was he worried about his family fighting in the war? Even though he hadn't talked to them in well over two years, Dawn hoped he was okay because he was still her little brother and she couldn't bare to even think about losing any of her family.

"Ready?" Remus' voice snapped her from her thoughts, making her realise that a few fresh tears escaped her eyes. The majority of the orb was gone now, leaving nothing in its place, she noticed dark orbs flying around and instantly knew it was time. 

Using the back of her hand she wiped them away before nodding, "Ready."

Scars {Remus Lupin} ✓Where stories live. Discover now