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"REMUS, PLEASE SAY SOMETHING," DAWN'S voice sounded fragile. She didn't know how long it had been since she told him the news, but it felt like hours. He sat there, his eyes wide and his hands running through his hair causing it to stand up in strange positions. She couldn't tell if he was angry, disappointed or just in shock,"Are--Are you angry?" She asked timidly.

That finally snapped Remus from his daze, "No, no, of course I'm not angry," He told her softly, "It's just..."

"You don't want it?" She asked, subconsciously her hands gingerly touched her stomach, as if she was guarding the new life that was growing inside of her. 

"I'm..I'm a monster, Dawn," His voice was shaky, "What if I give this-this disease to our child? I couldn't live with myself. It wouldn't be fair for him or her," He sighed, "People don't want werewolves as parents."

"But you're not a monster," Dawn told him, her eyes were stinging with tears as she looked right into his eyes. It pained her to hear him say those things about himself. He was a good man, and if he wanted this baby, she knew he'd be a incredible father, "You're not a monster, how many times do I have to tell you that? You're a kind, gentle man, Remus. You deserve happiness as much as the next person."

"That's not what people think."

"Why should we care what people think?" She asked him, "If we love each other, if we--we love this baby, why should we care what others say?"

"Because it's too dangerous," He argued, "I'm too dangerous. No-one trusts a werewolf near a baby."

"Maybe not during the Full Moon, but at any other given time I don't see the problem," She tried to reason with him. He wasn't a dangerous man and she knew that. She just wished he could see past his lycanthropy, that he was more than just his condition. 

"What if it's passed on?" He suddenly asked, looking at the redhead with teary eyes, "What then?"

Dawn stayed silent for a moment, "But it won't get passed on," She tried to comfort him.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because you weren't born a werewolf," Dawn pointed out as she reached for his hand, "And neither was I. It's not in our genes," She could see he was deep in thought, but the look of worry didn't disappear. 

"Now you're stuck with me," He sighed, "You deserve someone better. Someone younger, healthier, wealthier."

Dawn shook her head, the tears stung her eyes, "I don't want anyone else, Remus. I want you. I love you...It's always been you."

His breath hitched in his throat, "I-I love you too," He told her, his voice wavering with raw emotions. Without hesitation, Remus reached out to take one of her hands, a grin suddenly appeared on his lips, "We're going to be parents," He muttered in disbelief, his brown eyes glancing down at Dawn's stomach. It was still small and there was practically nothing visibly showing them that there was a new life growing inside.

Dawn couldn't contain the tears as some of them slid down her cheeks, her lips twitched upwards as she squeezed his hand, "We're going to be parents."

Scars {Remus Lupin} ✓Where stories live. Discover now