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"Hange I'm telling you, be calm we don't want to scare him anymore"

"I'm fineee Isa" Hange assured me.

We walked down the halls of the court on our way to get Eren for the hearing.

"He's just a kid. I don't want you to forget that"

"I got it I got it"

The Military Police opened doors to the dungeon and let us down. We walked down but the second we reached the bottom Hange ran and stuck her head through the bars staring at Eren with the scariest look I've ever seen. Quickly she smiled and blushed

"Sorry for the long wait. You can finally come out now." Eren sighed in relief. "You have to put these on, though." she said as she pulled out handcuffs. He looked over at me and I nodded to assure him everything was alright. We brought him up and walked him down the halls.

"I'm Hange Zoe, a squad leader with the Scout Regiment. You've already met our lovely Isa Reiene and That's Mike Zacharias also a squad leader" he sniffed Eren

"Uh he's.." Eren said uncomfortably.

"Yeah, he has a habit of smelling people he meets for the first time..." Mike smirked, "and then sneering. I don't think that means anything, though. He may not look it but he has what it takes to be a squad leader."

I interrupted "He said I smelled like determination when we first met. I gotta say pretty proud about that" I smiled

"Oh, sorry. I talk too much. We're already here."Hange apologized "But that's okay! It's better if we don't explain."

"Hey, wait..!" Eren pleaded

Hange suddenly put on her serious face, "Maybe I shouldn't say this, but all we can do is put out blind trust in you. I wish you luck." Then she shut the door in his face.

"I told you to be nice"

"I was nice," she pleaded.

"Explain that to his confused face"

"Hey we got him here that was our job"

"Whatever you say. Let's head up"

We walked up to our designated area to watch the hearing unveil. When we reached the balcony Zackly had already begun the trail.

"It was impossible to conceal your existence, after all. Unless we officially announce your existence one way or the other, a threat other than Titans may develop" I knew they were talking about the people but I couldn't help but think about myself. I wanted to chuckle but right now was not the right time. "I will decide which regiment;s custody to place you in. The Military Police... or the Scout Regiment. Now, let me hear the proposal from the Military Police."

Oh no here we go, "Yes. I, Nial Dawk, commander of the Military Police, will explain out proposal." Let me guess, kill him? "We believe that after a thorough examination of Jaeger's body, he should be done away with immediately." Moments like these are where I thank my past self for not revealing my secret. " Granted , it is a fact that his Titan powers allowed us to fend off this attack... But his existence is now causing ripples that could lead to internal strife" Frankly I think that's exactly what we need if this is how the government is handling this situation. 'So, we should at least get as much data as possible out of him before we turn him into a martyr for those who died in battle."

"That won't be necessary!" Oh no here comes the Wallist "He is a vermin who used trickery to get past the wall..." I tuned him out. I wasn't going to listen to his antics.

"Please remain quiet." Zachly interrupted. "Next, I wish to hear the Scout Regiment's proposal." Our time to shine

"Yes sir. I, Erwin Smith, 14th Commander of the Scout Regiment, will present our proposal. We of the Scout Regiment wish to induct Eren as a full-fledged member and use his Titan powers to reclaim Wall Maria. That is all " Straight to the point.

A Reason to Live - Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now