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"I swiped his little one right out of Rod's bag. Seems if I inject this.. I'll turn into a Titan. One of those dumb Titans... unfortunately. For a while... it should extend my... life." I felt bad but had to remind myself who this man is.

"You've had the time and strength to inject yourself. Why haven't you?"

"Yeah... I wonder... If I don't inject it right... I might end up like he did all messed up."

"I know you're not sitting here waiting to die. Don't you have a better excuse?"

"I... don't wanna die... and wanted power. But I see. I think I understand why he did it, after all this time"

"Huh?" Kenny started chuckling.

"Everybody has meant... was all the same. Drinking.. Women... Worshiping God even.... Family... The King... Dreams...Children... Power. Everyone had to be drunk on somethin' to keep pushing on... Everyone... Was a slave to somethin'. Even him..." He began coughing up blood. "And what are you. A hero?" Levi grabbed his shoulders.

"Kenny, tell me everything you know! Why doesn't the first King want Humanity to survive?!"

"Beats me... But we Ackermans... opposed him... for that reason." What could that have been? To prosecute a whole bloodline just for not agreeing He coughed blood on Levi's face.

"My last name seems to be Ackerman, too. You... What were you to my mother?"

"Heh, you idiot... Just her brother"

"That day why... why did you leave."

"Because... I'm not meant to be someone's father" he lifted up the case and pushed it against Levi's chest. His body fell limp and he was gone. Another person who was important to Levi one way or another gone. I walked over to him and grabbed his shoulder.

"Come on let's go" he stood up and began to walk away leaving me alone with Kenny. This man was the only father figure Levi had in his life. And after leaving him at such a young age he comes back to try and murder him. Now he's dead. Levi just needs time. But in the situation, we are now there isn't much of that.


I walked down the hall and saw the group walking together approaching. Levi. Historia gathered all her strength and punched Levi. I smiled and closed in on them.

"How'd you like that?! I'm the Queen! If you got a problem--"

I got to Levi's side and turned to look at Levi. He was smiling. Genuinely. My heart fluttered and blood ran to my cheeks.

"Thankyou.. all of you." he turned to look at me and his smile softened almost lowering to a frown. They began to speak to each other and I grabbed his arm pulling him aside. He followed for a bit until we reached a balcony. Once we were outside I rubbed his arm to comfort him but he pulled his back.

"What's up with you? You've been acting weird are you okay. Did I do something?" I asked

"Nothing's wrong you're looking too much into things"

"You just snatched your arm away as if I was some disgusting monster."

"I'm not a fan of germs" he crossed his arms

"You never have been but you never push me away"

"Like I said you're looking too much into things. Can I just have a break? You're always asking me so many questions and get needy" My eyes started to get watery. Is that really what he thought of me.

A Reason to Live - Levi Ackerman x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang