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I pressed the buttons letting my wires shoot out onto the nearest titan. I spun in the air to get more moment and struck down on it's nape, killing it instantly. I swung back around to see Eren kill a titan.

"I did it! My first kill!'' Suddenly his wires got caught with each other and he plummeted towards the floor. Reminded me of my first time using ODM gear

"That'll be your last too if you don't pay attention!" I screamed at him.

"You moron! I told you to stay back, Eren!" glad to see I'm not the only one who saw that hilarious scene.

I landed next to him.


"Gotta be careful there or Levi will murder me if I bring you back hurt"

"Sorry" I patted his back

"Hey! Eren!" I turn to see a short kid, Conny if I remember correctly. And then I saw those two.


I stood beside Hange looking down at Ymir. Another cadet of the 104th and another titan. She was missing an arm and leg, half her stomach was in bad shape. Any normal person would be dead by now but she was different. Things just keep getting more complicated by the minute.

"Ymir" Christa let out. "My real name ... is Historia" Ymir smiled and closed her eyes. The fight here might have ended but the real mission is about to begin.

We stood atop the wall hoisting up Ymir. I watched them bring up her body and couldn't help but think she reminded me of myself. She kept this secret to herself because she was scared and now that it's out everyone fears her. I then heard Chirsta or should I say Historia talking to Hange. I walked over

"Please, believe me! I'm telling the truth! Ymir transformed into a Titan to fight off the other Titans and save us! She did so with no regard for her own life, which proves her loyalty to us, her comrades! It's true that her judgement until now is unforgivable. Afterall, she may know things useful to humanity and yet she kept quiet about it! I imagine she didn't say anything in order to protect herself. But... Now she's a changed person! Ymir is an ally of humanity" Hange looked away from Christa and made eye contact with me. I guess that comment reminded her of me. Yet I don't remember Hange sticking up for me all that much when they first figured out who I was. No one stuck up for me. "I know Ymir better than anybody. She's a much simpler person than she looks!"

"I see. Obviously, I hope we can build a trusting relationship with her. Her judgement aside, the information she holds is a treasure for humanity. I hope we get along. But you know... even if she is a simple person, this world becomes more of a confusing mess with every passing day." I couldn't have said things better. We walked alongside each other. "You said... your real name was Historia Reiss?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Reiss, as in that noble family?" What's a noble doing here? I thought they had money and wealth why would they risk their lives


"I see." she stopped and put her hand on her shoulder "Nice to meet you, Historia" This is what I liked about Hange. Even with everything going on she still manages to make people feel comfortable and better.


We stood in front of Ymir's body.

"How's Ymir?"

"She's still in a coma" Hisotria walked over to her and kneeled down. "Her bleeding has stopped, and we think steam is coming out of her wounds." Seems as if Titans and I are on the opposite end of the spectrum. Their bodies rely on heat to heal themselves while I rely on the cold and water to help me.

A Reason to Live - Levi Ackerman x OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin