Chapter 4: Flabbergasted

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[Watch the video for some real despair]

Shuichi noticed Kokichi was back on the roof again. "Kokichi! Are you ok? Did Kiibo do something to hurt you?" He asked, his face and voice full of concern. Kokichi picked up his things and walked past him. "I-I'm fine, Shuichi. K-Kiibo didn't do anything." He stated, and headed down the stairs quickly.

Shuichi was surprised, to say the least. How could Kokichi do this to him? Kiibo was getting in the way of him and Kokichi. "Hold on. Don't rush this. One mistake and you'll lose him forever." Shuichi thought. It wasn't the time to get rid of Kiibo. For now, it would be best to convince Kokichi that he wasn't a creep. Then they could become friends again, then they could become best friends, then boyfriends, then husbands. Shuichi could feel himself start to drool as he thought about his future with Kokichi. Although... killing Kokichi after making him his would be despair inducing. "Oh, well. I'll figure that part out when the time comes." He thought to himself, then headed down the stairs to his classroom, which was again separated from Kokichi.

Kiibo was sitting at his desk, talking with Rantaro and waiting for Kokichi to return.

Kokichi walked in, and was about to head over to where Kiibo and Rantaro were, but didn't have time to as the teacher came in behind him. They instructed everyone to get in their seats, so Kokichi went over to his seat, which was next to Maki. Everyone knew she was the sweetest person in the class, so he felt safe sitting there.

From the back of the class, Kiibo glanced at Kokichi, and was glad to see him looking alright.

~Timeskip to the end of the day~

The final period had just ended, and it was time to go home. Kokichi was talking with Maki, and they were walking together. Kiibo noticed this, and didn't want to inturrupt, so he headed home.

After Kokichi and Maki had finished talking, they went their separate ways. As Kokichi walked home, he was afraid that Shuichi was going to follow him, so he tried to get home much quicker than he usually did.

Shuichi had decided that he wasn't going to stalk Kokichi. Tonight, anyways. He needed to figure out how exactly he was going to get Kokichi. As he walked, he went over the parts of the plan he already had together. Kokichi would be his. One way or another.

Kiibo was walking home, and felt a little resentful at the fact that he had to walk so far. It's not the it hurt his legs or anything, it was just time consuming.

Eventually, they all returned home, did their nightly routine, and went to bed.

《_________End of Chapter 4________》

Words: 456

[Thank you for reading. This chapter is a bit shorter than the others, so sorry for that. I hope you enjoyed it anyways. Make sure to vote if you enjoyed the chapter.]

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