Chapter 5: Enacting the Plan

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Shuichi woke up to his alarm. He was excited. Last night, he had figured out exactly what he needed to do to win Kokichi over, and he was going to start today. However, he needed to get to school before Kiibo did today, way before he did. So, Shuichi rushed to get ready, and ran all the way to school.

Kiibo, on the other hand, had a much slower morning. He moved at a leisurely pace, walking to school.

Kokichi was walking to school, relieved that the weekend was going to start tomorrow. It had been a long week. Shuichi was excitedly waiting for him around the school entrance.
Kokichi appeared, and Shuichi rushed up to him. "Hi, Kokichi!"

Kokichi was surprised by Shuichi suddenly appearing, and tried to ignore him. Unluckily for Kokichi, Shuichi didn't give up easily. "Kokichi, I just wanna ask you something." He said, his voice sounding sad. Kokichi froze in his tracks and winced. He knew that answering was probably a bad decision, but he couldn't stand making people sad. Without turning around, he uneasily asked "W-what is it...". Shuichi smiled. "I was wondering if you'd wanna hang out with me during the weekend. We could shop, or watch a movie... you could bring Kiibo or Rantaro or something, but my parents are gonna be out during the weekend and I'll be bored. Please?" He pleaded.

"....fine...." Kokichi mumbled. "Thank you, Kokichi! You're so nice." Shuichi hugged him, surprising the smaller boy. "I- um- y-you're w-welcome" he stammered. Kiibo entered the school, and was a bit surprised to see Shuichi and Kokichi hugging. "Erm...." he made a noise of discomfort. He wasn't sure why, hugging was a normal thing for people to do with each other. Maybe it was the fact that it was Shuichi? After all, he is a creep. Whatever the reason was, Kiibo decided he was going to observe the two from afar.

Kokichi waved a little at Kiibo, who nodded as his greeting. Shuichi released him. "Hey, we should meet after school. Then we can plan it all out." He said, still smiling. Kokichi nodded, then quickly left to get to class.

After Kokichi was out of earshot, Shuichi turned and shot a glare at Kiibo. "What're you looking at?" He snapped. Kiibo shrugged, keeping his neutral expression, and headed off to class. Shuichi sighed, and tried to regain his composure. He needed to act like a normal person for once today, so that Kokichi would warm up to him.

The class dragged on and on, and Shuichi tried his best not to stare at Kokichi. Instead, he doodled.

At the end of class, he waited for Kokichi at the door. Kokichi sighed. "Why is he waiting for me? Why is he such a creeper...." Kokichi thought. As he got near the door, Shuichi cheerfully greeted him. "Man, Kokichi. That class was hard, wasn't it?" Kokichi nodded. "It w-was v-very h-hard for m-me." He said. He smiled a little, and had a small blush. "He's... not being creepy today." Kokichi thought.

Sure, Shuichi wasn't acting creepy, but his thoughts were just as weird as they were before. "He blushed! I made him blush... it's so cute..." He thought to himself while smiling down at him.

Kiibo finished grabbing his things and headed to the door. "Hi, Kokichi. Hi, Shuichi. Kokichi, are we going to the next class together or no?" He asked.

Kokichi turned to Kiibo and gave him a smile. "S-sure." He responded. "Cool." Kiibo said, then started walking off. Kokichi followed behind him. Shuichi glared daggers at the back of Kiibo's head, then walked off in the opposite direction to get to his class.

"So... what's... what's going on between you and Shuichi?" Kiibo asked. "Oh... I f-forgot to tell you. S-Shuichi wanted me to h-hang out with him this weekend. He's been acting really nice today... it's a-almost just as c-creepy." Kokichi said. "Ah, ok. So nothings going on between them." Kiibo thought to himself. "Oh, ok. It was just weird to see you two hugging. You know... you don't have to go with him if you don't want to. You could stay home and invite someone over or something." Kiibo suggested.
Kokichi tugged on Kiibo's coat arm to get him to stop walking. He looked up and smiled warmly at him. "Y-yeah... um... Kiibo? Thanks for a-always... watching out for me." He then kissed Kiibo on the cheek and ran off.

Kiibo stood frozen, and his hand immediately went up to his face where Kokichi had kissed him. He felt his face get warmer, and thoughts rushed through his head. "What... just happened? Did Kokichi just... kiss me?"

Kokichi was blushing harder than he had ever blushed before. "Why did I do that?! Sure, I'm grateful... but me and Kiibo are just friends! I'm sure he thinks so too." He had made it to class and was sitting in his desk, regretting his choices.

~timeskip to the end of the day~

Kokichi was walking to the entrance of the school, as Kiibo was walking out of it. He was staring at the ground, still thinking about what had happened earlier. Kokichi walked out, and noticed that Kiibo seemed lost in thought. "Oh... could he still be thinking about... earlier?" He wondered. So, he decided to go up to Kiibo and give him a hug from behind.

"Aagh-!" Kiibo made a small shout, then turned his head to see it was Kokichi. He felt his face get warm again, and he looked away. "U-uhm... hi, Kokichi." He said, wanting to keep his composure. However, his voice cracked a little as he said it. Kokichi giggled. "Hi, Kiibo. Y-you're blushing...." Kokichi said. "No I'm not." Kiibo stated, still looking away. "Y-yes you are." Kokichi insisted. "No. I'm not. Robots don't... feel things like that." Kiibo said. Kokichi frowned. "W-well... if you say so. A-anyways, do you wanna h-head home?" Kokichi asked.

Before Kiibo could respond, Shuichi came running from a thick crowd. "Hey, Kokichi!"

《_________End of Chapter 5________》

Words: 1026

[Thank you for reading! My son Kiibo had his first kiss... I'm so proud. I kinda noticed while writing this book, that I'm not good at writing shipping stuff, but I'll try my hardest. I keep getting too wrapped up in the plot tho....
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. Vote if you did!]

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