The Epilogue: Audition

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Kiibo and Kokichi started dating after that. Slowly, of course, because neither knew what they were doing. When they finally told their friends, nobody was really surprised. In fact, a couple people had assumed that they were dating.

As for Shuichi, he had a shorter sentence than most, since his father was a lawyer. A very rich and well known lawyer. He got out after a few months, just in time for his audition at Danganronpa.

Kokichi had been excited, but understandably nervous when he got his email letting him know that he had gotten in. After all, he was now dating someone, and his life had gotten slightly better. "Kiibo... w-will you w-watch me? I know you d-don't really l-like Danganronpa, but...." "Of course I'll watch."

Kiibo hadn't told Kokichi that he was going to be in Danganronpa too. He figured it would be a nice little surprise.

Soon enough, auditions came around. Kiibo waved to Kokichi, who was in a car. The car would bring him and some of the other chosen participants to the second and final round of auditions. As soon as the car was out of sight, Kiibo went back inside his home. "Are you ready?" Haruki questioned. Kiibo nodded, and picked up a backpack. Suddenly, Idabashi and Naomi tackled Kiibo in a hug. "H-Huh?"

"We're gonna miss you!" Naomi exclaimed. "Make sure you stay in one peice, kiddo!" Idabashi said. "Aren't you going to watch?" Kiibo asked. "Yeah, but you're gonna be all different!" Naomi said. "Oh yeah. They were going to change our personalities.... I wonder what Kokichi will be like."

After escaping Idabashi and Naomi's embrace, Kiibo and Haruki left.

Kiibo arrived at Danganronpa headquarters, and was tasked with letting the participants into the interview room. Kiibo peeked into the lobby, and saw Kokichi, Maki, and Rantaro chatting. He also saw Shuichi, but it seemed like Maki was doing a good job of keeping him away from Kokichi. Kiibo opened up the door, causing everyone to look towards him. "K...Kiibo?" Kokichi stammered. Kiibo quickly looked down his list and called the first name. They walked into the interview room, and Kokichi came up to Kiibo. "W-Why are you h-here?" Kokichi asked. "Surprised? I'm actually part of Team Danganronpa." Kiibo said. "S-So... you're going t-to help operate everything?" Kokichi asked. "I'll actually be in the game, and serve as a special camera for the audience." Kiibo said. "O-oh. I guess that's w-what you meant by y-you watching!" Kokichi chuckled. "But, if y-you're a part of Danganronpa, th-then why don't you l-like it?" Kokichi asked. "Eh. I don't really get it... but I can't really say anything about it. I'm just a robot, after all...." Cutting Kiibo and Kokichi's conversation short, the previous participant ran out of the interview room, sobbing. "Guess she didn't make it." Kiibo said, his voice cool and uncaring. Kiibo then called out the next participant. They came up and entered the room. "Alright. Kokichi, you need to go sit down. I'll... see you later, ok?" Kokichi nodded.

Audition after audition after audition was completed, and they eventually got their 15 students. And now, the game could start.

《_________End of Epilogue_________》

Words: 544

[I just wanted to thank you guys for reading this whole thing. I appreciate it! This is my very first fic that I've actually completed, so I'm happy! I'm sorry if it wasn't very good, but I had a lot of fun writing it. Again, thank you! I'm really gonna put a whole thank you note as the next chapter lmfao-]

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