Chapter 26: Parental Guidance

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Kiibo entered his home, announcing his presence. "Heya, kiddo!" Naomi greeted him. She was sitting on the couch, eating popcorn and watching a movie. "Hello, Dr. Naomi. Do you know where Professor Idabashi is?" Kiibo asked. "He's in the repair room, working on some trinkets. What's up?" She asked. "I've just had some concerns that I'd like to ask him about... thanks, Naomi." Kiibo said, then started towards the repair room. "Of course. Y'know, you could ask me about stuff too!" She said. "I know, but what I'm worried about isn't really in your department." Kiibo said, and left the room.

"Professor?" Kiibo called out. "Over here!" Idabashi answered. He was hunched over at a desk, putting something together. As Kiibo approached, the professor set it aside. "Hey, Professor....?" Kiibo said. "Yes?" Idabashi asked, spinning his chair to face Kiibo. "I was... wondering if you could give me a check up." Kiibo said. "Of course. Here, sit." Idabashi gestured to an examination table. Kiibo sat there, and Idabashi scooted his chair with wheels over. He popped open Kiibo's back compartment. "It all seems in order. Is there a specific problem you have?" Idabashi asked. Kiibo hesitated. "Well... yeah. But I'm not sure how to explain it." Kiibo replied. Idabashi scooted his chair to face Kiibo. He placed a reassuring hand on Kiibo's shoulder. "Don't worry. Your old man can fix anything! Just tell me what's been going on." Idabashi gave Kiibo a warm smile.

"Well... I've been experiencing this odd feeling." Kiibo said. Idabashi chuckled. "Kiibo, you're supposed to have feelings. They're going to feel odd when you first experience them." Idabashi said. "No! That's not it... that's not why it's odd." Kiibo said. Idabashi raised an eyebrow. "Please do enlighten me." Kiibo took a deep breath. "Do you remember Kokichi?" Kiibo asked. Idabashi thought for a moment. "The purple haired kid, right?" Kiibo nodded. "What about him?" Idabashi questioned. "Well... every so often, he'll do something and my cheeks will warm up for no reason. And I just feel really weird whenever we're together...."

Idabashi seemed to be trying to hold back a smile. "They'll warm up, huh...? Do you feel like that with anyone else?" He asked. Kiibo shook his head. "No... what's wrong with me, Professor?" Kiibo asked. Idabashi gave him a reassuring smile. "Nothings wrong. In fact, part of me was hoping that you'd get to experience this before the next season of Danganronpa started." Idabashi stated. "You were...? Then do you know what it is I'm experiencing? Kiibo questioned. "It's called love. Allow me to explain a bit more...."

"So... love? That's what it is?" Kiibo asked. Idabashi nodded. "Huh... wait. I've read a few books about love, and it was always girls and boys loving each other. Shouldn't I be feeling this way towards a girl? Me and Kokichi are male." Idabashi chuckled. "Guys can love each other, too. I'd suggest that you do some research, and try and win that Kokichi kid's heart. After all, a feeling like love only comes around for some very special people." Idabashi said. Kiibo sat silently, trying to digest all that Idabashi had told him. Idabashi checked the clock. "Chocolate Thunder Brownie! Look at the time!" He exclaimed. Kiibo glanced over. "Kiibo, you should head to your room and charge, it's 11PM! And a school night...." Kiibo nodded. "Thanks... dad." Kiibo quickly headed upstairs. Idabashi smiled, but then shook his head. "Remember, Idabashi. You can't get attached... I wish that he didn't have to be in the game."

Kiibo plugged himself in, but didn't power on. He wanted to think. "I'm a robot... I can't feel these things. But... if the Professor said that's what it was...." Kiibo hugged his knees. "Kokichi... do I tell him? I didn't even know what I was feeling, how am I supposed to tell him? Would he feel the same? I suppose that telling him would provide good data, regardless of his reaction... but... I'm terrified." Kiibo sighed. "What should I do...?" Kiibo glanced over at his desk, which had a stack of manga on it. He unplugged himself, and grabbed one. He flipped through the pages until he found the one panel that he wanted.

The panel had two characters on top of a roof, with cherry blossoms falling. They were alone.

"Muku-Kun! I... I've had something on my mind for a long time that I need to tell you..."

"Oh? What's that, Yasume-Chan?"

"I... I've liked you... for a long time now! I... I love you! You're kind, thoughtful, and funny... please accept my confession."


"Of course I accept."

Kiibo studied the panel. Did the environment mean anything for a confession? It certainly looked pretty. Kiibo started forming a plan. Up on the roof where him, Kokichi, and at times Rantaro hung out at during lunch had a cherry tree. It was in season for the petals to start falling; quite convenient. Kiibo sat back down with the manga, plugging himself in without taking his eyes off it. Kiibo knew that it was fiction, of course, and that nothing in real life happened the way it did in fiction, but perhaps...

Kiibo went back to the beginning of the manga. He wanted to study the actions of Yasume, and take note of everything she did to help show Muku that she loved him.

After a few hours, Kiibo felt he had studied enough, and powered down. Hopefully, he'd have enough battery to last through the day.

《________End of Chapter 26________》

Words: 922

[Thank you for reading! The name generator has saved me once again... also, if you play A3, you know. You know. Muku is best boi, no if, ands or buts about it. If you enjoyed this chapter, please vote!]

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