Chapter 12: Another Day, A New Development

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Kokichi woke to his alarm going off. He yawned, and shut it off. He got dressed, and headed downstairs to brush his teeth and grab his bag.

"Wahg!" He gave a shout of surprise, seeing Kiibo laying against the wall in the living room. He then recalled inviting the robot to spend the night. He walked towards him, and noticed the cord. "I should wake him up... would pulling that plug do it?" He wondered. He knelt down and gently pulled out the cord.

Kiibo immediately powered on. "What's going on?!" He then saw Kokichi kneeling in front of him. "M-morning, Kiibo." He greeted nervously. "His face is really close to mine...." Kiibo noticed. He looked away. "Morning, Kokichi... are you the one that unplugged me?" He asked. "Why is he looking away...?" Kokichi wondered. "Y-yes."

"Would you please refrain from doing that? It's very delicate, and I only have one with me." He asked. "And... could you let me get up....?" Kokichi immediately realized how close they were, and felt embarrassed. "O-oh! Sorry." He backed up. "A-and I won't unplug you a-again. I was just t-trying to wake you up." Kokichi explained. Kiibo stood up, and pulled the plug out of himself and started rolling it. "It's alright. Now, I need you to remember to not talk to me at school." Kiibo reminded Kokichi. Kokichi nodded.

Kokichi grabbed his bag. Kiibo had finished rolling the cord, and placed it on top of his head. He then put his hat on. The two headed towards the door.

Shuichi was happily walking to school. He was excited to discuss the new video that Team Danganronpa had released the previous day, and was completely unaware that Kokichi and Kiibo had spoken. He had been too busy planning things out to stalk Kokichi, so he had no idea that Kiibo had been to Kokichi's house.

Kokichi headed off to school, taking his usual route. He waved goodbye to Kiibo, who was taking a path that took longer. Kiibo waved back, and headed on his own way.

As Kokichi walked, he felt sad that he wouldn't be able to talk with Kiibo at school. Kiibo wasn't obsessive and creepy as Shuichi, or stuck up like Rantaro. He was... a nice person. "I need to not talk to him for his sake." Kokichi thought to himself, now full of determination. He tried to hurry to school, so that he could get through the day quicker.

Kokichi was now at school, and since he didn't have to wait for Kiibo, he headed inside towards his classroom. Shuichi had arrived as well, and since he couldn't find Kokichi in the large crowds of people, he headed to his class.

Kiibo still had aways to go before he would arrive to the school. "I hope Kokichi will be alright." He thought to himself.

"Kokichi! Look!" Shuichi exclaimed, showing Kokichi a video. It was from Team Danganronpa, announcing that auditions were now open for the next season. Kokichi watched silently. He was excited about a new season, but....

"See? There's going to be a new season! Aren't you excited?" Shuichi asked. "Y-yeah." Kokichi mumbled. "We should audition together!" He suggested. Kokichi nodded. Kiibo entered the classroom, stealing Kokichi's attention. Shuichi glared daggers at the robot while Kiibo ignored the both of them. He sat at his desk and opened up a book. "Anyways,  Kokichi, I'm gonna go sit at my own desk. I'll talk to you at lunch, ok?" Kokichi nodded. Shuichi headed off to his own desk.

The teacher entered, and swiftly took attendance. Kiibo put his book away, and tried to keep his attention on what the teacher was saying. It was hard, since the lesson was quite boring.

Eventually, lunch came, and Kiibo returned to the spot he had sat at the day before. He pulled out a book, and started reading. However, he knew that Kokichi and Shuichi would be alone together. It made him feel some sort of negative feeling that he couldn't identify, but he just chalked it up to Shuichi being dangerous.

Kokichi was sitting in his usual spot, and was sketching. His lunch sat beside him. Shuichi came running up the steps, holding his lunch. "Kokichi!" He called. Kokichi turned his head towards Shuichi, and greeted him. "H-Hi, Shuichi." He stammered. "Hi, Kokichi!"

《________End of Chapter 12________》

Words: 730

[Thank you for reading. I'm sorry that not a lot happened in this chapter, but next time, woo boy. Make sure to vote if you enjoyed! Time for a shameless plug: I have a Danganronpa Oneshot book! Go check it out, maybe]

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