Chapter 15: Hostage

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Kokichi opened his eyes, confused and scared. "W-What the hell is going on?!" He shouted, however, it was muffled. He had tape across his mouth. He attempted to move, but he was tied up as well. He realized what had happened.

Shuichi was sitting at the desk in his room, and heard Kokichi's muffled yelling. He turned in his chair. "Oh, you're up!" He said cheerfully, as if he hadn't kidnapped Kokichi. "L-Let me go!" Kokichi demanded, however the tape made it so his words sounded like gibberish. "Oh, hold on. Let me get that for you." He walked over to the bed, where Kokichi was, and was about to pull off the tape before he paused. "Wait... you won't scream if I take it off, right?" Shuichi asked.

"N-No. I won't...." Kokichi said, but Shuichi didn't understand. "Uhm... nod for yes, shake for no, 'kay?" Kokichi shook his head, which made Shuichi smile gleefully. He took the tape off of Kokichi's mouth. "Alrighty. What were you saying?" Shuichi asked, cocking his head to the side. "W-where am I? W-Why are you d-doing this?" Kokichi asked.

"We're in my room, silly. See?" He said, gesturing to the room. Kokichi recognized all the merchandise. "O-oh... b-but what about m-my other que-" Shuichi placed a finger over Kokichi's mouth and shushed him. "Shh. You've been asleep for awhile, you're probably hungry and thirsty, right?" Shuichi removed his finger. "I g-guess... but-" Shuichi interrupted him. "Alright! I'll go get you a sandwich and water. Sit tight! And," Shuichi got close to Kokichi's face. "If you try and get help or escape, well... I might move you to the basement, with no food or water. You don't want that, now do you?" Kokichi's eyes widened in fear, and his mouth made an 'O' shape. "N-no" Kokichi stuttered. Shuichi stood up. "Great! I'm glad you feel the same. I'll be right back." He then left the room and headed down the stairs.

Kokichi was frozen for a moment. "Why did I ever agree to coming over?! Stupid, stupid, stupid... but someone will come. Then, Shuichi would go to jail... I'd hate to ruin his life, but... this is way too far...." Kokichi thought. He noticed that he was directly under the window, which had curtains covering them. He peeked through them, as that's all he was able to do with his body being tied, and was thoroughly disappointed with what was outside. It was just Shuichi's backyard, and the house behind it wouldn't be able to tell anything was wrong. Suddenly, he heard Shuichi's footsteps coming up the stairs, and hurried to get back in the same position as before. Luckily, he was able to do so just in time, as Shuichi swung the door open.

"I'm baaack~!" Shuichi announced in a singsong voice, carrying a plate with two sandwiches and a cup of water. He sat on the bed, and untied Kokichi's hands so that he could eat. He then handed Kokichi the water and one of the sandwiches, watching closely as he ate the other, to make sure he wouldn't try anything.

Kokichi didn't try anything, as he was thoroughly terrified of Shuichi. He had always been impulsive, but this....

Kokichi finished the water and food, making sure to eat and drink all of it. After all, Shuichi could decide to stop feeding him at any moment. Shuichi took the cup and placed it on the bedside table, then swiftly tied Kokichi's hands back together. "I'm sorry. But hey, once you show me how well you can listen, I'll let your hands go. I promise." Shuichi said.

Kokichi didn't respond. Shuichi layed down next to him on the bed. "This is exciting. It's almost like a sleepover." He said giddily. "N-no it's not! You k-kidnapped me... s-sicko...." Kokichi snapped. Shuichi got up, and looked offended. "I didn't kidnap you! You came to my house willingly. I just... tied you up, that's all. Not kidnapping." He said. "That's his reasoning?!" Shuichi sighed. "Maybe this wasn't a good idea...."

"It wasn't, b-but if you l-let me g-go I won't t-tell anyone about this." Kokichi said, hoping Shuichi would agree. "Huh? Oh, no. Keeping you here with me is a brilliant idea. What I meant, was I don't think taking the tape off was such a good idea... you're being awfully rude." He grabbed the roll of tape. "N-no! You c-can't! I'll c-call the police, and-" Shuichi interrupted with a snicker. "Kokichi. Of course I can. In fact," He ripped off some tape from the roll. "I'm going to do it right now."

After putting the tape back on Kokichi's mouth, Shuichi put the roll on his desk. "Oh yeah, about the cops... you do realize that you're tied up? Plus, I'll be right here with you, all the time. I think it's gonna be impossible for you to call anybody." Shuichi stated. Kokichi felt defeated.

Shuichi went towards the closet, and tossed a blanket over near Kokichi. "I'm going to get changed, ok?" He called out from inside the closet. Kokichi didn't answer.

Shuichi came back out with pajamas on, and sat on the bed. He pulled the blanket he had tossed over himself and Kokichi. "Try and get some sleep, okay?" Shuichi said. Kokichi didn't respond again, as he was busy feeling hopeless. "Night night." Shuichi mumbled. Eventually, the two fell asleep, Shuichi soundly, and Kokichi uneasily.

《________End of Chapter 15________》

Words: 924

[Thank you for reading! We finally got to the yandere part... oof.
Can't wait for you guys to read the next few chapters. "Love in Secret" reminded me of how I'm writing Shuichi, and I love Fukase, so it's a perfect song to add on here. I'd reccomend giving it a listen :)  I hope you enjoyed, please vote if you did!]

[I can't express how much I dislike writing yandere characters-
While writing this book I changed my opinion on Pregame!Shuichi, so consider this as "Pregame Shuichi but he's yandere now"]

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