Chapter 16: I Can't Believe You've Done This

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Kokichi groggily woke up, and the situation he was in hit him like a bus. Currently, he was being hold hostage in Shuichi's house, and was tied up and gagged. He cautiously turned his head, and saw Shuichi sleeping peacefully. Surprisingly, it turned out that Shuichi looks quite normal and nice when he's not conscious. Who knew.

Shuichi was laying as close to Kokichi as possible, yet wasn't touching him. "He never told me why he was doing this...." Kokichi remembered. "...maybe if I make him happy, he'll tell me, and I can help him with whatever the reason is... then he might let me go!" Shuichi snuggled closer, laying his head on Kokichi's shoulder. Kokichi pushed Shuichi's head back using his upper arm, hoping he'd wake up. He didn't.

Kokichi sat up, and moved his arms towards Shuichi's face. At least he had been kind enough to tie them near his stomach, instead of behind his back. Kokichi started tapping Shuichi's face, praying to Naegi that he wouldn't be mad.

"Ugh... huh...?" Shuichi started waking up, so Kokichi kept at it. "What's... going on?" Shuichi asked, then realized it was Kokichi. Shuichi gently grabbed Kokichi's hand, and sat up. "Morning, Kokichi...." he yawned, letting go of Kokichi's hand. "M-morning." Kokichi had forgotten already that he had tape over his mouth. "Oh, yeah. Lemme get that for you." Shuichi pulled the tape off. "Anyways, what'd you say?" Shuichi asked. "I s-said g-good morning." Kokichi stuttered. Shuichi smiled at him. "Morning. Are you hungry?" He asked. Kokichi nodded. He was going to get all the food he could get. Shuichi stood up, and grabbed his hat. "Alright. I'll go make breakfast. Just let me grab something first...." He walked over to the closet.

Kokichi decided that since Shuichi was looking the other way, it'd be a good time to get his phone. He sneakily pulled it out of his pocket with difficulty, since his hands were still tied. He was about to hide it under the blanket when Shuichi turned around. He was holding a pair of slippers.

Kokichi's eyes widened. What would Shuichi do to him?

"Oh, you figured out where your phone was!" Shuichi said. He almost seemed proud of Kokichi. "Oh, by the by, I got into your phone yesterday while you were passed out, and made it basically impossible to call anyone. I still left you your games!" Shuichi informed Kokichi. He put the slippers on, and started towards the door. "Oh, and try not to worry about school. I got everything worked out!" Shuichi said cheerfully, before leaving Kokichi alone.

Kokichi sat, feeling even more hopeless. If he wasn't able to communicate with anyone, how would anyone know he was stuck? And besides... he missed his friends. Maki, Rantaro... and Kiibo. "I wonder what they're doing right now...?" Kokichi thought.

Kiibo was heading to school. He was planning on inviting Kokichi to hang out after school, unaware of Shuichi kidnapping him. He arrived, and looked around for Kokichi and Shuichi. Neither were there. "That's... odd...." Interrupting his thoughts, Maki came running up to him.

"Hey! Kiibo! Have you seen Kokichi anywhere? I finally found that pencil he lent to me...." She said, hoping that he had. She and Kiibo hadn't ever really spoken much, other than her introducing herself on Kiibo's first day of school. "No, I haven't. I was actually wondering where he was... I don't see Shuichi anywhere, either." Kiibo replied. "Oh... maybe we should look for them." Maki suggested. Kiibo checked the time. "Sure. We have a little bit of time before class."

Maki and Kiibo headed into the school together. "So, where should we look...?" Maki asked. "Perhaps you could check in the classroom." Said Kiibo. "Sure! But what about you?"

"I'll check up on the roof. Kokichi and Shuichi like to eat up there together, so perhaps they're hanging out there while they wait for school to start." Kiibo said. "Oh! Good plan! Meet me here after you look, and if you find them, bring 'em along, ok?" She said. Kiibo nodded, and the two headed off to look for the two.

Obviously, neither of them found anything. "Oh... where are they?" Maki cried, getting worried. "Calm down, Maki. Maybe we could ask Kaede where Shuichi is. If we find Shuichi, we'll be able to find Kokichi." Kiibo said, his expression and voice calm as always. "Oh! That's a good idea!" Maki exclaimed. "Now, do you have any idea where Kaede would be?" Kiibo asked. Maki shook her head. "Me and her aren't really close... oh! It's nearly time for class!" She realized. "So it is. Let's meet up at the cafeteria at lunch, and look for Shuichi, Kokichi, or Kaede." Maki nodded, and ran off. "I'll see you at lunch!" She called, waving goodbye. Kiibo didn't wave back, and simply headed to his own class.

As class went on and on, Kiibo struggled to keep his mind on the lesson. All he could think about was Kokichi. "Where is he...? Surely he would have told me if he was sick... right? Then again... maybe I was looking too far into things. Perhaps we're just classmates. Not friends. Although, that makes the kiss he gave me even stranger...." He thought. He didn't like the idea that him and Kokichi weren't friends. However, he knew that it was plausible. "After all... I am just a robot... who would want to befriend a robot?"

《________End of Chapter 16________》

Words: 914

[Thanks for reading. It was nice to write Kiibo again... make sure to vote if you enjoyed. We've only got 17 parts left in the book, huh. Thank you guys for all the support this has gotten! Btw, if you're enjoying this, please check out my profile. I have lots of other Danganronpa stuff that you might like!]

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