Chapter 19: "B-Baka! You Pervert!"

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After quite a few episodes and brutal executions, Kokichi had passed out, his head resting on Shuichi's shoulder. It was warm in Shuichi's room, perfect for sleeping. Shuichi pet Kokichi's hair, watching the show absentmindedly. "Hope, or Despair...." Which one would be better to fill Kokichi?

Eventually, Shuichi looked out the window, and realized it was about time to make dinner. He looked back at Kokichi's face, and knew he wouldn't be able to wake him up. "We'll just eat a big breakfast. I'll figure out the whole Hope vs Despair thing while I'm cooking...." And thus, Shuichi closed his eyes.

"Dammit!" Maki exclaimed. She and Kiibo had just checked Kokichi's house. They had spoken to Kokichi's parents, who only seemed worried that Kokichi wasn't there to clean. The two were walking aimlessly, unsure of where to look next. "Hm... so we've looked at school, Shuichi's house, and Kokichi's house... where else should we look...?" Kiibo asked. Maki sat on the sidewalk. "I don't know...." She sighed, defeated. "Perhaps we should continue tomorrow. My parental unit might be getting worried...." Kiibo said. "Parental unit?? Who calls their parents that?" Maki wondered. "No way! If Kokichi was kidnapped, he might he long gone tomorrow!" She exclaimed. "You really should quiet down... yelling isn't going to help." Kiibo said, his tone, like always, monotone. "And what about you? You're always deadpan! Don't you care?" Maki asked. "Of course I am." Kiibo replied. "Then act like it!"

"...I'm not sure how." Kiibo said, looking down. "Huh?" Maki asked, confused. "I've, uh, never lost anything before. So I'm not really sure how to act concerned." Kiibo said. "I wonder how she'd react to the truth." He thought. "I dunno... get mad, or something." Maki said. "Let me try... rah! Where the heck is Kokichi?" He shouted. His tone didn't hold any emotion. Maki held back a snicker. "No, shouting doesn't make you sound angry." Kiibo looked at her, confused. "Then how? And why're you laughing at me?" Maki stood up. "Never mind about it, 'k? Let's... go home. We'll look tomorrow." She said. "Huh? But I thought you were against that." Kiibo said. "I changed my mind. I'm sure Kokichi will be alright. I'll see you tomorrow at school." She said, already running to her house. "...bye?"

Maki fell asleep as soon as she layed down. She needed as much energy as she could get for tomorrow. Kiibo, walking as slow as ever, eventually made it to his house. After his guardian scolded him about being home late, Kiibo headed to his room, and powered down.

Kokichi woke up to the smell of something cooking. Shuichi wasn't in the bed, which must mean he was cooking. Kokichi noticed a sticky note stuck to the bed. It read:

"Hi Kokichi! Hope you rested well. I've decided to let you walk around the house today, and see how you do. Your chain is unlocked. Please come downstairs for breakfast. :)

After reading the note, Kokichi immediately looked over to the chain. Sure enough, he had been released from it. "At least I can walk around now...." He got up, and headed downstairs.

Shuichi was cooking french toast. He heard Kokichi coming down the stairs. "Good morning! I hope you like french toast!" He exclaimed. Kokichi didn't respond, and just nervously looked around. Shuichi's house remained forever unchanging, a lot of things covered in dust. "Here! Are you hungry?" Shuichi asked, putting a plate at one of the chairs at the table. Kokichi nodded. Shuichi put a few slices on the plate. Kokichi sat. "Do you want syrup?" Shuichi asked. "S-Sure." Kokichi mumbled. Shuichi happily grabbed the syrup bottle. "Say when." He instructed. After a modest amount was poured, Kokichi mumbled when. Shuichi took the syrup away, and handed Kokichi a fork.

Kokichi didn't start eating, and just looked at his food. Shuichi had returned to cooking the rest of the food. "He seems... a lot more... energetic?" Kokichi thought. Soon enough, Shuichi sat down with his own plate. He noticed Kokichi hadn't eaten anything. "Hm? Don't you like french toast? I can make you something else." Shuichi offered, getting back up. "N-no! I'm j-just... l-lost in thought?" Shuichi stared at Kokichi, then smiled and sat down. "Ah, ok. But make sure you eat it before it gets cold! Cold french toast is disgusting." Shuichi said, before digging in to his own breakfast. Kokichi started to slowly eat his as well, surprised at how good it tasted.

Soon enough, Kokichi finished. "Th-thank you." He stuttered. "Of course! Is there anything else you need?" Shuichi asked. Kokichi shook his head, and started towards the stairs. Shuichi watched him go, smiling. "If it were anyone else, I'm sure I would've had to discipline them. Kokichi's so nice, and sweet. So gentle."

Kokichi felt Shuichi's eyes on him, and was creeped out a bit, but when he turned back, Shuichi was wrapped up in eating his food. "Maybe I'm just... paranoid." Kokichi went back up to Shuichi's room. "If I'm going to have to wear this again, I'm putting it on. Not him."

Shuichi heard the chain clinking against itself, and decided to head up to investigate. He saw Kokichi was tied up again to it. "Oh? You're tying yourself back up?" Shuichi asked. Kokichi nodded, and scooted away as far as possible from him without leaving the bed. Shuichi sat next to him anyways. "Y'know, you don't have to. Not yet, anyway. Since you've been wearing the same clothes for a few days, I figured you'd want to shower and get some new ones on." Shuichi said. "O-oh... I want t-to shower." Kokichi said. "Here, hand your clothes to me. I'll wash them for you."

Kokichi took off his shirt, and handed them to Shuichi. Shuichi found himself blushing. "C-can you stop st-staring? It's creepy... p-please get the chain off." Kokichi said. "I wasn't! I wasn't looking!" Shuichi exclaimed, and looked away. He focused on getting the chain off.

As soon as the chain was off, Kokichi ran off towards the bathroom. "Oh... I was kinda hoping he'd take his pants off too...." Shuichi thought. He headed out of the room, and saw Kokichi's boxers and pants next to the bathroom door. Shuichi grabbed them and put them in the pile, then headed downstairs to wash the clothes.

"Wh-what a perv!" Kokichi muttered to himself. "Wanting t-to see me undress...." Kokichi sighed. "Everytime I think that he isn't so bad, he pulls things like that...." Kokichi thought. He stepped into the shower. "I want to get out of here... I need to."

Shuichi was sitting on his bed, next to a pile of clothes that Kokichi could wear while his were being washed. He decided to call Kaede, to brag to her about how well his kidnapping of Kokichi was going. He headed out to the stairs, since he liked to pace when he's on the phone. Soon enough, Kokichi finished his shower, and made sure to wrap a towel around himself. He headed into Shuichi's room, and grabbed the clothes that were on the bed.

Unluckily for both Shuichi and Kokichi, Shuichi decided to walk in as soon as Kokichi had let his towel fall. Shuichi dropped his phone.

"W- Kokichi! Cover yourself up!" Shuichi exclaimed, grabbing a pillow from the bed. He hid his blushing face. "Agh!!" Kokichi shrieked, and grabbed the towel and hid his... er... parts, grabbed the clothes and ran out. He shut the door, leaving Shuichi alone in the room. Realizing that Kokichi was no longer nude in his room, Shuichi picked the phone back up. "I'm gonna talk to you later, Kaede...." He said, then hung up the phone.

Kokichi hurriedly put on some clothes, and sat against the door. Shuichi knocked on the door. "Hey, are you... decent?" He asked. Suddenly, an idea formed in Kokichi's head.

He was going to escape.

《________End of Chapter 19________》

Words: 1333

[I had fun with the title lmao. I hope you guys are ready for the next chapter! Thanks for reading. Make sure to vote if you enjoyed. This chapter wasn't very eventful, but I had fun writing it.]

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