Chapter 4

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Enzo's P.O.V

My parents told me this morning that we were having a meeting with Antonio Russo at 8 am to confirm the living arrangements. We are building one large house to accommodate the whole mafia.

The constructors have been building it since January and it's now August. They are almost done and should be done by next week Friday. It's gonna be a six-story house with a large basement that would be turned into cells.

The first story would be the living room and dining room with a kitchen. The two floors above it would be bedrooms. The fourth floor would be another living room, dining room, and kitchen. The two floors above it would also be bedrooms. There are 100 bedrooms on each living floor, including guest bedrooms. There would of course be an elevator on the bottom floor next to the kitchen.

Joining the two mafias is a great idea. I didn't exactly want to get married but my parents say that I need a woman to help me and also keep me at bay.

I grew up getting everything I wanted. I was a spoiled brat. I have matured since then.

I also have anger issues so sometimes I think irrationally and do not think about consequences. It has made me do things I regret.

Sophia has the title of the most terrifying woman in the mafia. She has been known to torture people until they are begging for her to end their life.

My parents believe that my marrying Sophia would change me. They think Sophia would keep me in line. That maybe she could help me so the mafia will grow and get better.

She walks with grace and elegance I've never seen. The aura around her that screams power is suffocating. She's gorgeous, I won't deny that, and picturing her torture people is kinda hot.

I'm in a meeting with Antonio right now and it's boring. I have all the information I want so I excuse myself and decide to take a piss. Stepping into the corridor I'm lost.

I make my way downstairs to look for it myself until I hear a soft voice angelic voice.

"Do you want to go for a drive?" I heard the voice ask.

I didn't hear a reply.

"Go get ready my dandelion," the unknown voice says.

A little redhead passed me without a word. I stepped out from the wall to see that it was Sophia talking.

I lean against a wall. "You know you're not as bad as you seem."

She turns around with a bored expression. "You don't know me," she replies with an eye roll.

She did not just do that.

She goes to walk past me and I grab her arm.

"Don't roll your eyes at me," I say with a deadly glare.

I hear 6 guns being cocked begin me most likely pointed at my head. Sophia raises her hand and lowers it.

"Get your hand off me before you lose it," she says looking straight ahead.

Her voice booms through the empty dining room. I release her hand but keep my glare. She turns to me with the scariest glare I have ever seen but I don't cower away.

"I do what I please and you're not my boss," she walks away and I stand there baffled.

Nobody has ever had the balls to talk back to me, roll their eyes or walk off. To say I'm shocked is an understatement. I shouldn't be because she is next to run her mafia so she needs a backbone.

I turn around looking at where she just left from. All the guards are smirking at me. I make my way back through the corridor until I see a maid and asks for directions. She directs me to the washroom, I take my piss and I head back upstairs.

My parents are exiting Antonio's office by the time I reach the door. We say our goodbyes and leave.


We arrive at the mafia house and I head to my room then to the gym. When I enter I see my 3rd in command Daniel.

"How was the meeting man?" He asks while punching the bags.

"I barely paid any attention, I went to take a piss and saw Sophia though," I say while going to the treadmill.

"What happened?" He inquires.


"Come on man you know you can tell me,"

I decide to tell him everything. The whole encounter with Sophia.

"Damn bro, whipped already?" He jokes.

I punch his arm "Her guards would've killed me, man,"

"That never stopped you before," he laughs.

It's true, I always get my revenge on people who disrespect me even if there are guns pointed at my head. Everyone should fear me. The fact that Sophia doesn't is pissing me off. She will not be a spoiled brat and disrespect me.

"Whatever man," I continue my exercise.


After taking a shower I make my way downstairs for dinner. The whole mafia has dinner every night at 7 pm. I take my seat in the middle of Daniel and Luca.

Luca is my 2nd in command. She got promoted last year after she led a team to rescue me after I was kidnapped. Luca and I have known each other since we were pre-teens. I was 14 and she was 8. Although the age difference we still became best friends because Luca was mature for her age. So of course Luca and I grew up side by side doing everything together. Training, killing, taking down mafias. Everything.

My father clears his throat at the head at the table.

"As you all know my son Enzo is getting married next week Monday. His soon-to-be wife will be moving in here Thursday. I want everyone to welcome her properly. Their mafia and ours will be moving into the mansion we are building across the street, three days after the wedding," My father gestures to my mother to finish.

"Enzo, Luca, Hunter, Daniel, and Sophia along with her 2nd, 3rd, and 4th commands will be staying in this house. Eighteen guards will be guarding this house and more if Sophia brings her guards." My mother finishes.

Alexia, Daniel's sister, raises her hand.

"Yes Alexia," my father acknowledges her.

"How do we know Sophia wouldn't betray us or betray Enzo?" She asks with a slightly annoyed voice.

"Sophia signed a contract. If any betrayal were to take place she permitted us to do as we please. Torture her or simply kill her. Sophia knows what will happen we don't have to worry." My father says with a stern voice.

Everyone nods their heads and continues eating. I finish and excuse myself making my way to my room.


I take off my shirt and climb into bed.


"Come in," I say with a tired voice.

"Hey baby," I hear a female voice say. I look up from my phone to see Alexia dressed in lingerie.

She has on a two-piece lace set.

Just what I need.

She makes her way to me while swinging her hips. She leans down and presses a kiss to my lips. Soon it turns into a hot makeout session. I remove her lingerie and we have fun all night.



Byee lovies~Sam♡

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