Chapter 12

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Sophia's P.O.V

Arriving at the hospital I walked in and immediately went to the receptionist.

"Zuri Russo what room?" I asked with a glare.

"Are you family?" She asked not looking away from the computer.

"I'm her sister," I ask as calmly as I can.

She finally glanced at me, rolled her eyes and went back to typing.

"No you're not," she replied.

I lost it. I took out my gun and smashed the glass shielding her.

"I don't think you know who you're messing with, so I'll ask again what room?" I aim the gun at her head.

She slightly shakes and tears pool in her eyes, she was beyond scared.

"O-one hundred and s-six, 5th floor," she says in a shaky voice.

I smirk and make my way to the elevator. Standing there is Enzo.

"You didn't have to act like that, the poor girl is traumatized," he says walking into the elevator with me.

I shrug, "She shouldn't make assumptions,"

It pisses me off when people make assumptions that I and Zuri aren't sister's. Actually, it pisses me off when people make assumptions about me period. Especially when they act like it's a fact.

He rolls his eyes. Soon the elevator opens and I quickly walk out. I hurriedly walk down the corridor until I spot 106. I walk in to see my sister there looking peaceful.

Her face isn't swollen as it was but she does have a black eye.

I take the chart from the feet of her bed.

Name: Zuri Russo
Age: 18
Injuries: Stab wound to the leg
                 Black eye
                 One Bruised rib

I scan her body with a small smile. That's not a lot of damage.

Suddenly her body starts shaking. My eyes widen in horror. Enzo sees no movement from me and shouts for some nurses. All the noises around me are muffled.

Nurses come into the room and start trying to calm her down.

I was pushed out of the room. I stood there shocked and two strong arms pull me into a hug and I let their warmth drown me. I feel safe, something I haven't felt since Antonio took me in.

Their arms release me and I look up to see Enzo watching me with a sad smile. I put on a scowl and untangle myself from him.

I feel okay with Enzo but if I get close to him then that would give him a chance to hurt me.

I knock on my sister's room door and a nurse opens it with a smile. I see Zuri laying there smiling. I run to her and hug her, as carefully as I can.

"I'm never leaving you again," I whisper in her ear.

"It's okay Sophia, I'm okay," she pulls away and smiles.

I look in her eyes looking for a lie, something to tell me that my sister isn't okay and I find it. She's still scared.

"No, you're not Zuri, and trust me when I say I will always protect you no matter what," I say looking into her eyes.

Tears pool in them and her body trembles.

"W-why would h-he do this?" She asks sobbing.

"He's a psychopath Zuri," I say pulling a chair.

I comfort her for a while and she soon calms down. Enzo walks in with two coffees and a bottle of water.

He gives me one and gives Zuri the water. I take a sip and it's black coffee. One taste is in my mouth.


My face scrunches in disgust and I glare at Enzo. Although it's not his fault, he doesn't know what coffee I like.

He shrugs me off and takes a seat on the next side of Zuri's bed.

Telling her that I'll be back quick, I throw away the coffee and go to the cafeteria. I grab a juice and go back up.

Enzo and Zuri are laughing and talking. I take a seat and lean my head back getting ready to take a small nap.

"Go let them stitch your shoulder and go home you can come back later," I hear Zuri say.

"I don't care about my shoulder and no," I don't open my eyes.

"See? Stubborn," I hear Zuri whisper to Enzo.

I soon relax and I fell asleep but then I'm shaken awake.

I open my eyes and see a nurse standing next to me.

"The patient wants me to patch up your shoulder, I can do it in here if you like," she says not looking at me.

I give her a nod and look at Zuri with a raised brow.

"What if your arm falls off because of some infection Sophia? Huh, then what? That's a disadvantage you can't risk," she folds her arms.

I chuckle at her reasoning. The nurse comes back in. She was going to cut my sweatshirt but I don't want to look weird with one sleeve.

I was about to take off my shirt when I see Enzo watching me.

"Can you leave while she does this?" I ask him.

He rolls his eyes but nods.

I take off my shirt as the nurse locks the door.

The nurse's eyes widen at the number of scars I have littering my arm. There's about 15  before my elbow and a long scar from my wrist to the halfway mark on my arm.

The scar across my stomach is on full display and Zuri stares at it. I snap my fingers.

"Eyes up here darling," I say with a smirk.

She giggles. The woman cleans around the wound with alcohol. She tells me it will hurt and I might scream.

I nod at her and she begins stitching me up. I make funny faces at Zuri the whole time, only wincing once.

She puts a bandage over it, tells me to change the dressing every day, try not to wet it, and to come back in three weeks to have the stitches taken out.

She leaves and I finally have some alone time with my sister.

Until Amelia walks in. She runs and hugs Zuri. Zuri looks extremely confused and looks at me.

She soon sits and tells Zuri the story of how she knew our mom.


This chapter was short. I have no thoughts right now so yeah.

Byee lovies~ Sam♡


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