Authors Note

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Ahhhhh it's finisheddddd. Okay so here's my story.

I started Wattpad last year and since the beginning of this year, I have wanted to write a mafia story. My mind runs on like 20 things a day sometimes. So throughout this story, I wanted to start another one.

I've been depressed (not self-diagnosing btw) since I was like 10 or 11 and I've been through a lot. Yes, there are times where I smile or laugh but I've never felt real happiness.

I got into Wattpad because my friend passed away and I needed to get my mind off things.

Since then I've fallen in love with it. I would read all day every day. I've read stories with 50+ chapters in one day. I really enjoyed reading and I wanted to write something of my own.

Then my best friend passed away and it took a toll on me.

I shut down completely and I was really hurting. I stopped reading and all I did was cry. There wasn't a day that passed that I didn't cry. I was in a really bad place but then I started reading again.

All-day every day I'd read stories. Ignoring the world around me. I would complete two different stories in one day because I just wanted to take my mind off things.

This story was inspired by another mafia story named 'Mafia Queen' I decided that I didn't want the whole "innocent girl bad boy" story. Sophia was still a good person but so was Enzo.

I hope you enjoyed this story and liked the plot.

If you have any questions leave them in the comments. Questions about me or the story. You can ask anything, don't be shy.

I felt as though this story was boring and that it barely had any romance scenes. Also thank you to those who voted on my story and commented, you guys are THE best and I appreciate it.

Some of you might realize I put things into my book that society rarely talks about, like dudes being abused and raped. I wanted to put that in because it should be talked about.

Most men have trauma from it and don't realize that it's trauma, they are told to 'like it' or that they are 'lucky', so they never get help for it.

If you have been sexually assaulted in any way please talk to someone about it, someone that you trust, and if you can get help, especially if it's an ongoing thing.

You guys can message me if you just want to talk about anything at all, I'm here for you guys. Love yall

Byee lovies~ Sam♡

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