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Picture of Maxwell above ☝️☝️


I smile satisfactorily to myself as I stare at my now finished Physics assignment. I had a hard time figuring it out during the weekend, maybe it was just because I hate Physics and the topic wasn't helping.

"Is there anything interesting on your book that you're smiling at it?." A voice says making me look up.

"Hey." I smile at him. We haven't spoken that much lately.

"Are you okay?."

"Any reason why I should not be?." I raise an eyebrow.

"Nah, just asking...has Feyi come?."

"As you can see, no." I point to her empty seat.

"Okay, there's something I wanted to ask you."

"Okayyy." I draw out.

"Are you busy this Sunday?."

"Umm...I don't know yet, why?."

"I was thinking-" He scratches the back of his neck...nervously??.

"You were thinking??." I urge him on.

"If you are not busy on Sunday, we can go somewhere together."

Is he asking me out on a date??.

"Umm...I'll think about it."


"Yeah." I assure him.

"I like your hair." He raises his hand up to my head. He's always liking my hair.

"Don't touch it joor." I hit it away, "I dont want it to be rough."

"And why is that?." He raises an eyebrow.

"I just made it yesterday." I laugh, "And I plan on carrying it for more than a month, this hair did not cost small money o, if it gets rough quickly ehn, my mum is going to start complaining."

He bursts out laughing and I'm greatful for the fact that the class is quite empty. It's just past 7 and assembly is by 8 so most people haven't come to school yet and even if they have come, they'll be outside talking to other people.

"I can't wait for your party on Saturday."

"Yeah, me too." I sigh, "Thanks for helping to convince my mum to let me throw a party."

"It was nothing." He waves me off, "Ehen, do you know why Feyi hasn't been-"

"What are you guys talking about?." Yemisi appears from nowhere.

"Is it your business?." I ask her.

"Ugh, I wasn't asking you, okay?." She attaches her arm to Timi's.

"We were talking about something...private, Yemi." He says to her.

"Abeg, there's nothing called private, just spill it." She snuggles closer to him and he makes no effort to push her away.

Ahan, if they like each other, why did he naw ask me out on a date?.

Tchew, Abeg me I'm going somewhere else. I stand up and leave the class annoyed. That Yemisi girl irritates me, she's always up in my business.

"Hian, enter me o." A familiar voice says jolting me back to reality.

I stop in my tracks so I won't hit her. "Sorry babes."

"What are you thinking about?." She asks.

"Nothing jare." I lie, "Where have you been?."

"Jamb question, at home naw."

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