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"Dieko, be fast, they are telling us to start going to the bus." Nmeso shouts from outside the toilet stall.

"Please go and call Feyi, tell her she should come now, it's urgent!." I holler back. I hear her groan before the toilet door opens and then closes. Few minutes later, it opens again.

"Feyi, is that you?."

"Yes, why do you need me?, Just wear the shirt and let's go."

"I can't wear this shirt, Feyi."


I open the door of the stall and step out so she can see what I'm talking about.

"What is wrong with the shirt?, It looks okay."

"It's tight, Feyi." I tug on the hem of the shirt.

"It's not, it's just fitted, there's a difference."

"It's not funny naw, Feyi, how can you pick extra small for me?. Do I look like a child?."

"You said you didn't want oversized shirt and then I tested small and medium, small was quite okay on me even though I chose medium so I was just like since you're smaller than me, extra small would fit you better."

I mentally groan. This was totally my fault, had meaning I had just dropped the food I was eating and went to choose a shirt for myself, none of this would have happened. And now the bus is about to leave for the airport, I can't go to Abuja looking like this, why did the school even insist that we all wear the same shirt to arrive at Abuja, can't we just wear our shirt from home?."

"I can't wear this Feyi, seriously."

She sighs. "Fine, give me the shirt, let me see if I can change it to another size."

It's now she knows she'll change it.

"Is my box still in class?." I ask pulling the shirt over my head.

"No, they've put everything inside the bus."

"Oh okay" I give her the shirt. I enter back into the stall to wait for her. Few minutes later, I hear the toilet door open.


"Yes, come out, you're lucky, they gave me small and medium, which one do you want?."

"Medium abeg." I collect the shirt with medium on it.

"Your boyfriend was looking for you by the way."

"Which boyfriend?." I ask as I put on the shirt, I look in the mirror, the shirt isn't that bad, blue and black with 'NISSMUN 2020' written at the back, it goes well with my black jeans and black sneakers.

"Your boyfriend naw, Timi." She looks into the mirror as she puts on a new coat of lipgloss.

"Nice joke, We both Timi is not my boyfriend."

"Really?, I really thought you two were dating."

"I'm not in the mood, Feyi." I roll my eyes.

"Oh no, you have to be in the mood. If you and Timi are not dating, then what do we call it?."

"He's my friend."

"Are you sure?, Cause ever since the date  last week, both of you can't seem to leave each other alone, you're always around each other-"

I cut her off. "I'm not with him now, am I?."

"That's not what I mean, fashi this one, it's not like he can follow you inside the girls toilet and watch you change. He's always talking to you and you're always blushing, both of you are always hugging-"

I cut her off again. "Is there any problem with me being happy around him?." I was already getting irritated, this morning I woke up with a bad mood swing, I've been angry and snappy, I feel it's because of this trip to Abuja, I'm nervous and I don't even know why.

I've been looking for who to pour my anger on and Feyi seems like the perfect candidate right now.

"And friends hug all the time." I add.

"Okay wait, don't get angry at me, don't raise your voice at me, talk to me in the same tone with which I'm talking to you. I don't want you all worked up during the trip because of me." She says cautiously like she's afraid I'll blow up any minute.

"Just go on Feyi, I'm fine." I roll my eyes.

"Look, I'm just saying, friends don't hug the way you two do, if you're dating you can just tell me, it's not like I would bite you."

"What do you want me to tell you?, I've been saying it since, we are not dating. We talk a lot, I blush when I'm around him, we hug, that's normal. He makes me happy, that is why I blush around him, I love talking to him, that is why we are always talking and as for the hugs, I don't know what to tell you because he's the one that always initiates them. There, I've told you everything, there's nothing between Timi and I, please drop this subject."

"Wait." She says, "One more question."

She stays silent like she's waiting for my permission, I give her the look that says she should go on.

"Do you like him?, aspa do you like like him?, if he asks you to be his girlfriend now, what are you going to say?."

I sigh. "I don't know if I like him, I've never felt this way towards someone before, the other guys I liked back in Abuja or I thought I liked, they were just crushes and they were just because maybe the guy was fine or he had abs, but this is more than that, he makes me feel some kinda way, I don't know how to explain it." I admit

She bursts out laughing. "I know what you mean, atleast you finally told me the truth without getting upset and sha I've come to a conclusion with all the information you've told me."

I roll my eyes again. "Soothsayer, what is the conclusion?."

She wraps her arm around my shoulders turning me around so that I'm now facing the mirror and can see my reflection. "You my dear cousin, are utterly in love with Timilehin."

Finally 😂

Feyi is helping to knock some sense into Dieko.

I totally ship them😂

Timi + Dieko = #Tieko.

If you guys have better ship names you can drop them here😂>>>>

Don't forget to vote and comment guys. I really love reading you guys comments..

Till next time...byeeeeeee❤️❤️❤️

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