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Just as I'm about to pack my hair into a bun, Feyi walks into the room.

"He's here o, grandma is talking to him, better go before she'll tell him the story of your life."

I laugh before turning around to face her.

"How do I look?."

"Did you use make up?."

"No, just lipgloss and mascara."

She rolls her eyes. "Is that not still make up?."

"Whatever." I grab my black purse from my bed and put the things I'll need inside.

"You look beautiful." She smiles, "But just know that I still don't totally approve of you guys relationship, I'm just leaving it cause you seem happy."

"I am happy." I smile.

"Have fun, okay?."

I nod as we both leave the room. We descend the stairs and in no time we are standing beside the door. I can't see Timi yet but I can see that grandma is talking to him. Feyi pushes me forward.

"Good evening, grandma."

"Ah, you're here, oya come and be going."

I smile at her before turning to face the opened door. Timi is standing there a smile etched on his face, he's holding a bouquet of flowers, red roses, a smile appears on my face when I remember that I once told him my best flowers are red roses and he didn't forget. He's dressed in a white top, black jeans, white sneakers and a black leather jacket. He looks handsome.

"Bring her back before 10." My grandma warns.

"Yes, ma." Timi nods, he looks so responsible, so innocent but I know that's not the case. The look in his eyes suddenly change as they stare at something behind me. I turn around quickly. It's Feyi who is glaring at him.

I step outside fully making the smile on Timi's face to grow wider.

"Be safe, Dieko." My grandma kisses my forehead. I nod

"We have a lot of talking to do when you get back." Feyi says but I think it's more directed at Timi than at me.

Grandma shuts the door and it's left with just me and Timi.

"You look beautiful." He smiles taking my hand in his.

"Thanks, you too."

He raises an eyebrow. "I look beautiful?."

I roll my eyes. "You know what I meant."

He laughs before leading me to his car just outside the gate, he opens the back door for me and enters just beside me. It's like the driver knows where to go already because he starts driving immediately. A comfortable silence settles between Timi and I as we drive to wherever.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going now?."

"Nope, we're almost there."


"Just relax, Dieko." He laughs taking my hand in his, "We're almost there."

We get there about thirty minutes later, we drive into an estate.

"Is this Lekki?." I ask him remember when Mum took me here to see a friend just last week.

He nods.

We keep driving until we reach the front of a gate, the gate opens and we drive in, it stops and Timi gets down and comes to open the door for me.

"Seriously, don't tell me I got all dressed up to come to your house." I tell him.

Starting Anew | Completed✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora