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I sit cross-legged on the bench on our school lawn looking at the swarm of SS2 students walking out of the school building as I wait for Feyi

She's been late everyday for two weeks now and my mum is going to start asking questions if we keep going home late, even the 'half of a yellow sun' book that I'm reading has become boring so I just close it and put it back in my school bag

I take out my phone and dial Ife's number, they should still be in school together since it's just a few minutes past Creative minds closing time. I know it's kind of dangerous using my phone on school grounds but abeg, the teachers should have gone home, me I don't know what they are waiting for

It's now or never. She picks up quickly which is not a surprise because she is always with her phone


"This is a first" She says


"We spoke yesterday and then you're calling me again today on Monday, you never do that, you never even call"

"You're exaggerating" I laugh "But I sha called because I have something important to tell you"

"Okay, I'm listening"

"Is Dorothy there with you?"

"Nah, this boy is talking to her"

"Which boy?" I ask

"That guy naw, that one that has kissed all the girls in Commercial class"

"Ohhh, Juwon, what is he finding in science class?"

"Me I don't even know, Dorothy should sha not fall into his prey...Noo, he said I should give you"

"Huh?, Give me what?"

"Sorry, I was talking to somebody...okay, Dorothy is coming"

"Is it Dieko?" I hear Dorothy's voice

"Who else would I be talking to?"

"Yes or no question, you want to die, abeg shift"

"Please shut up, she said she wants to tell us something important"

"Okay, We are listening" Dorothy says

" see..." I trail off hesitating, it wasn't easy at all

"What?, Talk naw" Ife urges

I open my mouth to speak again but Timi coming to sit beside me on the bench stops me. Bad timing, Timi, bad timing. I clamp my mouth shut sighing

"Umm...I'll call you guys later" I say and then hang up before they can say anything in return

"If you didn't want to go out with me, you could have just said it instead of keeping me waiting at the movies" Timi stares at me, his eyes told me what he couldn't say with his mouth, he was hurt

I mentally groan. I've just been annoying everybody lately

"It wasn't like that, I really wanted to go out with you" I say sincerely

"Then why didn't you come?, I called you severally, you didn't pick up"

I sigh. I know I can just cook up some bizarre story or something but it was a lie that got me into this mess in the first place. I think I'll just say the truth

"Something came up, I was a little busy" That wasn't a lie, I was a little busy, wasn't I?

"Does that something have to do with Maxwell?" He raises an eyebrow

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