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"Dieko, go and check who's out the door!" My mum yells from the kitchen

"Okay, ma" I holler back standing up and heading to the door

This Feyi, I don't know her problem, she has the spare key to the house yet she chose to behave stupid

I unlock the door hissing and turning back around "I don't know if you don't have sense, why didn't you just carry your own key?"

"Umm...I don't have my own key" A masculine voice says, Feyi definitely doesn't sound like that, my head shoots up, it's...

"Maxwell?, What are you doing here?" I whisper

"Why are you whispering?"

"My mum is in the kitchen, she's going to kill me"

"Oh" He laughs "Your mum should recognize me naw"

"That's not the point" I grab his hand and pull him out of the house shutting the door behind us

"What are you doing here?" I cross my arms over my chest

"I came to see you"

"Go figure" I roll my eyes "How did you know my house?"

"I was going to buy something then I saw Feyi and we spoke for a while, I then asked her for your address...and your number"

"Ahan, is it that you don't stay at home ni?, You're always going to buy something" I eye him

"Abeg, the house is boring"

"Well, go back home, I'm not in the mood" I make to go back inside but he stops me

"Have you been crying?" He asks

I shake my head quickly. Too quickly

"But your eyes are red"

"Yeah, something entered my eyes so I've been scratching it"

"Tell me the truth Lola, I know you're lying"

I sigh. Of course I'm lying, that's the only thing I've been doing since my dad decided to bring home another woman

"You can tell me anything, you know shey?" He rotates my chin with his hand so that I'm now looking straight into his eyes

"I know, Maxwell, but it's personal, I can't really say" I tell him, I wasn't just ready to tell him all of my life problems, I'll just start crying again, but come to think of it, I don't even think I can cry because I've been crying since that call with Akin which was about an hour ago, I'm so exhausted

"Okay, but I know of a way to help you feel better" He grins

"Really?, How?"

"Let's go for a walk, we'll talk on our way, it'll help you clear your mind"

"I'm coming, let me tell my mum" I say then go back into the house, I ask my mum if I can go out with a friend and after much questioning and pleading, she finally lets me but not before promising that I will be back before 3pm. I join Maxwell who is waiting outside the gate and we both begin to walk to nowhere in particular

"When did you start growing your hair again?" He asks

"Not to long after you left" I shrug "I got tired of cutting it"

"Eyahh" He laughs "I thought you said you were never going to make your hair again"

"I know I did" I let out a small laugh "But abeg, I'm a girl, I can't just cut my hair my whole life"

Starting Anew | Completed✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ