Chapter 10 - Finding Niffty

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Now the reflection of water against your skin in the deep blue light would have been scenic and wonderful, Alastor being not so bad company... but you had a pressing matter on your hand; Niffty was missing. You called her a dozen times and texted the others but no one seemed to have seen her. Alastor had tried to distract you from the thought of the lost demon but nothing seemed to do the trick.

"I don't really see the fuss, Niffty is a very capable young lady,"

"I bet she is but as of now she is under my care and I will not give up!" Alastor continued to follow you around the aquarium; in and out of every crevice you had gotten yourself into looking for the redhead.

"My dear, I'm certain she is fine-" you both had reached the great reef exhibit. Your eyes widened in excitement at the attraction, animals swam about in front of you, the large auditorium fit for a large crowd. Alastor watched silently as your eyes sparkled in wonder at the sight but was stopped when you snapped out of it.

Your eyes scanned the room, landing on a small pair of demons, one who looked awfully familiar. Obviously it was Niffty but she was talking to someone new, he was a small goat demon, slightly taller than her, nothing like Razzle and Dazzle, more lamb like in a way. He wore a dapper suit fit for that of a butler or waiter. From what you could tell he had light brown hair but only half his face was shown... he watched Niffty in awe as she chattered on about different things you couldn't hear, but her passion was evident.

Alastor seemed to go into father mode because the moment he saw the two his eyes became radio dials, his feet marching down the steps. But you stopped him in time.

"Nothing to worry about," you mumble as he turned back to his normal form.

"But-" giving him a stern glance the overlord sighs and nods, walking away and out the auditorium.

"Like you said, she's a perfectly capable young lady!" You chime in.

"Don't use my words against me," the frustrated sigh that followed only made you laugh a little louder.

"Well, I think this deserves a nice meal because I am starving!" Linking your arm with his, you lead the way to the food court which was luckily one turn away.


After grabbing a sandwich and drink, you with a hot chocolate and Alastor with coffee you both continued around the aquarium. Stopping at the otters, which was amazing, and then the penguins, then sharks, you both found yourselves at the glass tunnel.

You let yourself wander free, letting go of Alastors arm which he had offered as you both walked around the attraction. Was it the way the fish looked? Was it how they swam so gracefully? Or was it the fact they thought they were enclosed in glass yet swam freely? Somehow they seemed to have swam more freely than you could fly in heaven.

Millennia's had passed and yet you still dwelled on the role you play in heaven. The role being a mere nothing angel, the only wonderful thing being your relationship with... him...

There had been a lot of mentions of this him fellow... and, dear reader... it is still not the time to say! Because at this very moment you were entrapped in the wondrous movement these animals provided.

Alastor couldn't help but soften his smile, his eyes, his stance. Looking at you relaxed him, your playful sense of wonder and strong attitude all bundled in one ball of pure angelic light. Though evidently the sin of hell had dampened that purity, it didn't falter your smile one bit. This brought Alastor a joy he hadn't felt since... ever, really.

He had fans in the living world, ones who he had no interest in except their devotion to him, the fact they put full trust into him. The way his charming smile could manipulate them... but you were different... no, here in hell everyone feared him, back on earth everyone loved him (that was before they found out about the killings). You expressed a neutral liking towards him, a hate that softened after time.

He couldn't help but stare in an almost love sick manner at your mannerism. The way you tapped your foot when Lucifer teased you, the way you furrowed your brows and bit your lip when thinking, the way you put the protection of your loved ones above all despite the fact you may be in danger! To him, to the Radio Demon, you were perfect-

"Hey, Al! Come check out this fish!" Your call snapped the overlord out his thoughts, he was quick to walk over and peer at the strange creature. "I think this is my new favourite animal!" Flipping trough the catalogue provided you found the right picture to match the creature.

"The blob fish?" Feeling giddy you snap a photo of the fish before getting Alastor to bend down with you and take a selfie with the creature.


Alastor and you had continued to wander around the aquarium. You had even decided to discuss ideas on attracting patrons to the hotel; which you were surprised to hear Alastor bring up. Walking side by side with your hand clinging onto his arm you suddenly stop the conversation.

"Al..." he hums and looks down at you. "Look!" You whisper shout and point to the left. There in front of the clown fish garden was Angel, Husk and Fat Nuggets. Husk was holding Fat Nuggets and pointing to the fish as Angel watched Fat Nuggets smash his face against the glass.

As Husk looks up to Angel with a blush he turns his smile into a frown and hands back the pig nonchalantly, as if holding the animal and acting as if it was his own child brought him no joy. Angel took Fat Nuggets and placed him in the stroller before giving the Cat demon a kiss on the nose, taking his hand and walking away.

You snickered as you watched Husk stumble a bit, trying to get his brain to work. Alastor seemed to be enjoying this too, watching as you snapped a photo of the cat and spider.

"Perfect for wedding invitations," you mumble, stuffing your phone in your pocket.


It's the Huskerdust for me

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It's the Huskerdust for me

- Anna ❤️

Deals with the Fallen: Alastor x fallen fem!Angel!readerWhere stories live. Discover now