Chapter 17 - Cal

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Cal (above) is just Buck from ice age but without the eye patch!


Charlie watched from her seat as you and Alastor played with Fat Nuggets. You sat side ways, legs crossed, peering down at Fat Nuggets who was waving his hooves around while Alastor cradled him in his arm. The heir to the throne noticed the small glances you and Alastor exchanged from time to time, though you never caught each other. This was all seen from Vaggies shoulder as Charlie laid her head there.

As for the moth demon, she had been keeping an eye on Gabriel who was chatting with Niffty. The sinister look he gave Alastor from time to time made the hairs on Vaggies neck stand up. There was something wrong with Gabriel... alterior motive of some sort. But this time Vaggie had felt Charlie fall fast asleep making her shift thoughts to her girlfriend.

As for the pornstar, he had spotted the moth demon looking at Gabriel the same way opting him to stop flirting with Husk who was flustered beyond belief and text the lesbian discreetly.

Lesbian 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩


Eat dick, bitch ✨🌸💕

I'm a lesbian, Idiot!


Gabriel is sus


Suspicious, idiot

Try using full words, dumbass! 🤬

No thanks ✌️😙✨🌸

Whatever... I do agree though... Gabriel is 'sus'

Glad we can agree on something other than being gay 😘

Fuck off! 😡

After the small exchange the two look to meet eyes, a small nod to accompany it. They went back to their subtle gazes to the suspicious Archangel and their partners.


As the trees faded in around the vehicle the road became less and less well maintained. Rocks and sticks banged against the metal plating, dust accumulating into a subtle clouds. Though others may have not gone to a wonderland before, you knew this was just the beginning of the journey.

Eventually when the towering trees blocked out rays of light from the red sun it seemed your nerves kicked in. The same as when you first got here. For those who made it out of Wonderland alive, they made it seem as if it were the worst thing in hell. When you got there, it was hardly that... yes there were creatures worse than anything you could imagine but once you got down the basics of their habits, curtesy of the book Luci gave you, it was all 'jolly good fun' as he put it.

A clearing came into view which made you sigh and knock on the window between you and Vince. The car came to a stop just by a log cabin.

"Thanks, Vince,"

"No... problem... miss," the entire group piled out and into the dense woods holding Satan knows what. Everyone took out their things and waved Vince goodbye, coughing a bit at the dust cloud which rose up.

"This isn't so bad! Why do people say wonderland is horrible?" Angel takes Fat nuggets from Charlie's arms and cradles him.

Deals with the Fallen: Alastor x fallen fem!Angel!readerWhere stories live. Discover now