~2~ Beach

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I get into school and start looking for Aria. She hasn't responded to any of my texts, and it's starting to make me mad. I understand she was disappointed. So was I. She's the most popular girl in school. She is HOT. Captain of the cheerleading squad and on the dance team. I wanted last night to happen more than her, probably. But for her to ignore me is childish.

I get to my first class, and sit in my spot. She's there, but wont even look at me. I decide that I'm not gonna beg her. She wants to act like I don't exist? Fine. Two can play that game. Just sitting here for three seconds, I already see four girls staring at me. Not that I will act on it out of spite, but I know I have other options.

"Dude," Dax whispers as he leans towards me in his chair. "The party tonight at the beach is gonna be insane. PLEASE tell me you can make it."

"I'll be there," I say with a smug smile. I can tell Aria is listening. I was right. As soon as I say that, she whips around in her seat and glares at me.

"So you can sneak out for a party, but not for your girlfriend? Real nice Liam."

"I'm at my dad's tonight. I've already told you this, Ar, I can only sneak out when I'm at my dad's." I say, getting annoyed again. I can feel the entire class listening to our conversation. Unfortunately for me, when two popular kids are fighting, it gains the attention from everybody.

"Mr. Clark, Miss Hale, class has started. Unless you would like to finish your discussion up in detention, I suggest you quit talking," Mrs. Greiner warns.

"Yes Ma'am," I say, acting like I feel bad.

The rest of the class goes by slowly. Greiner is dull, and she spits when she talks. I kinda feel bad for the kids that got assigned to the front of the class. I'm sure they're getting drenched.

The bell rings and I rush out; I don't feel like rehashing my reasons for canceling on Aria again. I don't see her again until lunch.

I'm fully expecting her to sit with her group of friends, instead of coming over to where I am. To my surprise, though, she does. "I'm sorry," she says as she sits down and stares at me, looking deep into my soul.

I sigh and take her hand in mine. "I'm sorry too. I wanted to be there," I say, leaning over to give her a kiss.

"I just don't get it. Your mom's nice. Why're you so scared to sneak out of her house?"

I understand why she's confused. I'm still refusing to tell her that my mom would spank me for that. There's just some things that are too embarrassing to tell your girlfriend.

"Yeah, my mom's nice, but I'd be grounded for forever. My dad wouldn't care if he found out I snuck out. My mom would."

"Ok, so you get grounded. Just sneak out again. What's the worst that could happen?" She asks. Clearly she's never been spanked before.

"Look, my mom's nice, until she gets mad. Then she's scary. I just don't feel like dealing with it, ok? If you can't just accept the fact that I don't wanna sneak out of my mom's house, then just invite some other guy over to your house next time," I snap.

She's not normally so pushy. I don't like being pressured into doing something I don't wanna do. Even though she's hot, she's making me mad.

"Ok. Fine. Will I see you tonight at the beach, at least?"

"Yes ma'am," I say with my very best crooked smile. Normally that smile gets me the girls. Or gets them to forgive me—It works like a charm. I can hear her breath hitch as she leans over to give me a small kiss.


The rest of the day goes pretty quickly, and before I know it, dad's picking me up.

"What's up champ?" Dad asks as I get in.

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